Chapter Nine

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Loki entered his chambers late at night and found Delysia reading.

"I thought you would have been asleep by now." Loki said.

"The noise kept me up." Delysia told him.

"Well, the party has ended. Go to sleep, now." Loki smiled.

"But I've gotten to the good part, I can't put it away now." Delysia whined.

"Yes, you can. Come on now." Loki told her.

Delysia moved her hands away from Loki as he walked over to her. He leaned over the edge of the bed and tried his best to grab the book away from her. Delysia chuckled softly as she turned the page. Loki huffed as he finally grabbed the book and gave her a look as she smiled.

"Don't lose my page." Delysia warned.

"I won't." Loki said.

He grabbed her bookmark and placed it in the book before setting it on the nightstand. Delysia crossed her arms over her chest and raised a brow at Loki.

"I have to change. When I get back you better be asleep." Loki told her.

"Don't treat me like a child." Delysia chuckled.

Loki smiled as he shook his head and walked into his closet. Delysia sighed as she laid down in the bed, closed her eyes, and tried to sleep. Loki reentered the room in his night clothes and slipped into bed. Before he could drift into sleep, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Loki?" Delysia asked.

"Mmm." Loki hummed.

"Are you awake?" She asked.

"Yes." Loki moaned.

"I can't sleep." Delysia told him.

"What do you want me to do?" Loki asked as he turned to face her.

"Could you, maybe, get some warm milk?" Delysia asked.

"Warm milk? At this time of night?" Loki retorted.

"Fine. If you won't do it, I'll go and get it myself." Delysia told him.

She went to pull back the covers when Loki stopped her.

"It's not safe. I'll go." Loki sighed.

Delysia smiled as she watched Loki get out of bed and leave the room. Loki walked into the kitchens and scoffed when there were no maids or servants working late hours. He got the milk out himself and poured some of it into a pot to heat up on the stove. Once it was finished, he poured the milk into a glass and made his way back to his chambers.

"I have your warm milk." Loki told her.

He sighed softly when he saw that Delysia was fast asleep in the bed. Loki set the glass on his nightstand and got back into bed. He fell asleep quickly and awoke the next morning to find Delysia awake and writing at his desk. Loki sat up in the bed and rubbed his eye as Delysia turned to look at him.

"It's nice to see that you're awake." Delysia beamed.

"So last night, did you need the milk or were you trying to get me out of the bed just so you could sleep?" Loki inquired.

"No, I wanted the milk. I just naturally fell asleep." Delysia replied.

"If you still want it, it's on my nightstand. It's most likely gone cold, but..." Loki trailed off.

"Thank you, Loki. But, I think I'll pass." Delysia told him.

Loki got out of bed and went to take a shower. Delysia heard the water running and believed it to be the sink. She herself went to use the bathroom and soon wished she hadn't opened the door. Loki quickly covered himself with a towel as he turned off the water. Delysia closed the door and bit her lip to keep from laughing.

"What are you doing?" Loki asked angrily.

"I didn't know you were taking a shower. I thought it was the sink." Delysia managed to say through her laughter.

"Don't do it again." Loki scolded her.

"Consider it payback." Delysia laughed.

Delysia put her writing away as she left the bedroom and made her way to the dining hall for breakfast. She felt more comfortable in the palace than she had since the week she had been here and decided to leave the chambers. As she walked down the halls of the palace, many of the court members stopped their conversations to look and whisper to one another as Delysia passed them by. Seeing the people reacting to her gave Delysia a certain confidence that she found hard to explain. Varin and Knorr were walking down the hall when they saw Delysia walk towards them.

"Good morning, gentlemen." She said.

"Good morning, my lady." The two bowed.

She held her head up high as she passed them and the two gave one another looks as they hid themselves behind a column.

"Why is she outside?" Varin asked.

"I have no idea. But, she's unaccompanied. I'll have a chat with her. You go and speak with the guard." Knorr told him.

Knorr hurried towards Delysia and she raised a brow at him as he walked alongside her.

"What do you want this time?" Delysia asked.

"This is the first time we've seen you unaccompanied by Loki. Has something happened between you and your husband?" Knorr inquired.

"Why do you care about our personal matters?" Delysia retorted.

"Well, I-"

"I hope you, and your friend, have taken the hint that I will not be helping you in your little schemes. Good day." Delysia interjected.

Knorr's eyes widened as Delysia bowed her head and continued walking towards the dining hall. Loki quickly changed into his clothes and opened his door, looking down both halls trying to see if he could catch Delysia. He feared the worst might have happened and he sprinted down the hallway, searching for her. Varin made his way towards the guard, out of Loki's view, and the guard bowed his head.

"Anything suspicious take place?" Varin asked.

"Only that Loki left during the night for a glass of milk, leaving Delysia alone." The guard replied.

Loki ran down the halls and saw Knorr alone. Knorr gave Loki a look as he came running up towards him.

"Did you see Delysia?" Loki asked.

"As a matter of fact, I did." Knorr replied.

Loki's jaw clenched as he nodded his head.

"Where's Varin?" Loki asked.

"He's meeting me here. I believe Delysia went down the hall and took a left." Knorr told him.

Loki paced down the hall and Knorr smiled to himself. Loki sighed with relief as he saw Delysia and grabbed her arm. She sharply turned her head to face Loki and her expression softened upon seeing him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Delysia asked.

"Why did you leave our chambers without me?" Loki retorted.

"I felt comfortable. I felt alright to walk alone through the halls. I felt alright." Delysia told him.

Loki smiled weakly and let go of her arm.

"Oh, I didn't know. Anyway, I'm glad you feel that way." Loki told her.

"I was off to the dining hall to eat breakfast. I assume you'll want to escort me now." Delysia sighed.

"Well, I am your husband." Loki said.

"And I your wife." Delysia huffed.

The two looked at one another before chuckling and making their way to the dining hall. Upon entering, Frigga was the most surprised to see the two enter together smiling. The two took their seats and talked with one another, not engaging in any one else's conversations. That evening, Loki was getting ready for the last day of the feast while Delysia sat at the writing desk in her robe. Loki quickly glanced over at her and saw the bruises and scars on her legs. When she looked up at him, he looked away and Delysia smiled weakly.

"Will you be attending?" Loki asked.

"You already know my answer." Delysia replied.

"You know, the feasts are lovely, Delysia. I think you'll enjoy them." Loki told her.

"I'd rather stay here. I was never one for parties." Delysia explained.

"Do you want me to send some maids over while I'm away?" Loki asked.

"No, I'll spend the night here by myself. I prefer being alone in my own good company rather than being showered with people who aren't good company." Delysia replied.

Loki furrowed his brow and sighed as he thought of what to say. He knew Delysia was his friend and quickly looked over at her.

"And am I...good company?" Loki inquired.

Delysia looked over her shoulder at Loki and scoffed.

"First, your brought me food in the cell here in Asgard, you then promised to get me out of the cycle, and you did. You said you would treat me as a friend, and you have. I'd say you're more than good company. You're probably the best company I've had in years." Delysia confessed.

Loki smiled brightly as he walked towards Delysia and laid a hand on her shoulder.

"I wish you'd tell me what happened to you while you were in Vanaheim...and to your family." Loki said.

"Anyone could imagine what happened to us. Any man who serves in the army knows the slaughter to took place. Anyone who has been beaten knows the abuse that happened. Any man who knows right from wrong knows what happened." Delysia told him as tears filled her eyes.

Loki knelt down beside Delysia and took her hand in his.

"I didn't mean to bring back memories. I'm sorry." Loki told her.

"It's alright, Loki. I-I know you didn't intend do. That's how your different from most people. They would always ask, trying to pry the information from me. But're just trying to help." Delysia explained.

"That is who I am." Loki said.

"And you're a good man for it." Delysia smiled.

"What is it that you write?" Loki asked.

"I write to my mother. Although she is dead, I still write." Delysia replied.

Finally, Loki thought, I have gotten to her, I've made her crack.

"What do you write about to her?" Loki asked.

"Things that happen to me while I'm here. I guess it's a way to let out my emotions." Delysia told him.

Loki stood back up from the floor and smiled as he looked at the paper. He smiled even more when Delysia did not try to hide it.

"Well, I shall see you later tonight. And hopefully, you will be asleep." Loki said.

Delysia nodded her head as she giggled.

"I hope so too." Delysia said.

Loki left the chambers and Delysia sighed once he was gone. And then, she had an idea. Delysia ran into her closet and looked through all her clothes, hoping to find the thing she was looking for. Once she did, she ran outside and smiled upon seeing the guard.

"Can you send the maids here?" Delysia asked.

"Yes, my lady." The guard replied.

Delysia nodded her head and closed the door behind her. Loki, Thor, and Fandral stood beside one another as they drank and talked the evening away.

"So, it is your last night for the festivities. Do you think that maybe she'll come around?" Thor asked.

"Oh, I'd love to see her in an evening dress." Fandral chuckled.

Loki gave him a look and Fandral ceased his laughing to take a sip of his wine.

"No, she won't be coming here tonight. But, she feels more comfortable in her surroundings, which is good." Loki told them.

"Maybe for other holidays, she'll turn up." Thor said.

"A pretty thing like herself should be flaunting herself off to everyone. Making them hot with jealousy." Fandral told him.

"Have care how you speak, Fandral. After all, she is my wife." Loki said.

"Yes, but isn't it true that you only married her to keep her safe. I assume it is a loveless marriage." Fandral told him.

"She is my friend and I will not have you speak of her like that when she is not in the room or even in the room." Loki explained.

"So? Sif was Thor's friend and now the two are to be married in a few months time. Thor talks about her all he wants." Fandral inquired.

"That's because Thor and I are very different people, Fandral." Loki told him.

"Please, do not fight. This is the time for celebration. Come now and stop your bickering. You two are friends. Behave as such." Thor scolded them.

Loki rolled his eyes as Fandral shrugged his shoulders.

"Good. Now, if you two don't mind, I'll-"

Thor cut himself off when he heard the music stop abruptly. Loki and Fandral furrowed their brows wondering what was happening. The people in the room were chattering to one another softly as well as whispering.

"What's happened?" Loki asked.

"I'm not sure." Thor replied.

"Your wife just happened." Fandral said breathlessly.

"What are you talking about, she-"

Loki looked at the doors of the throne room and his eyes widened upon seeing Delysia. She wore an elegant evening gown that was the lighter version of Loki's signature green look. Her sleeves were long to cover her arms and her back was buttoned up, but that did not stop her from exposing her chest. The corset she wore extenuated her curves. Her hair was pulled away from her face and clipped behind her head, only a few strands made the effort to curl around her cheeks as they fell. The necklace she wore was silver to match the beaded headband she wore. The jewelry she wore distracted everyone from the bruises that peeked their way out from her shoulders. Delysia thanked the maids for being so skilled with her make-up for no one could take their eyes off her. Delysia clasped her hands together in front her and she held herself with the upmost confidence she had conjured in years. The music began as she walked down the steps and made her way over to Loki.  

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