Chapter Eighteen

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A feast had been held to congratulate Loki and Delysia for the announcement of their first child. Varin and Knorr spent most of the night studying the two as they stayed close together. It was impossible to deny that the two were in love. Loki held Delysia close to him and the two couldn't contain their smiles and giggles as they talked with one another. The two congratulated Loki and Delysia and she shied away as Loki shook their hands and thanked them. Later that night, Delysia was making the bed as Loki put on his night clothes.

"Did it seem strange that they would congratulate us?" Delysia inquired.

"Who, love?" Loki asked.

"Knorr and Varin." Delysia replied.

"No. Most of the people in the court have realized that you aren't just some sight and have gotten to know you better. So have they. They are growing and maturing." Loki explained with a chuckle.

"It seems odd to me." Delysia said.

Loki sighed as he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist from the back. He kissed her temple and Delysia sighed with content as she felt his hands caress her belly. Delysia turned around to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You won't let anyone hurt me, right?" Delysia inquired.

"Never." Loki whispered.

The two kissed sweetly and Delysia was the first to pull back. Loki moaned softly and picked her up into his arms and she laughed loudly as he laid her down on the bed and fell on top of her. The two giggled as they kissed and Delysia beamed as Loki pulled the covers over them. The next few months past by very quickly and Delysia sat atop their balcony watching the sun set as she caressed the swell of her five month belly. Loki entered the room and Delysia quickly turned to face him.

"Don't get up. I'll come to you." Loki told her.

Loki walked out onto the balcony and took his seat next to her.

"How was the meeting?" Delysia inquired.

"Boring as usual." Loki sighed.

"Can you at least solve the issue?" Delysia asked.

"We can. The men who control Alfhiem are not as bright as those who took your land years ago." Loki explained.

"Good. I hope this is all cleared up soon. I don't like it when you're stressed." Delysia told him.

She took his hand in hers and smiled weakly as she looked up at him.

"I'll be alright. You don't have to worry about me, Delysia. I have you to worry about." Loki chuckled.

Delysia smiled brightly and gasped softly as she laid her hand on her belly. Loki immediately stood from his seat and rushed towards her side. Delysia laughed and Loki furrowed his brow as he knelt in front of her.

"What is it?" Loki asked.

"The baby's kicking. Feel." Delysia beamed.

She took his hands in hers and laid them on her belly. She furrowed her brow and exhaled sharply as she felt the kicking stop.

"Maybe the baby does not like my touch." Loki suggested with a laugh.

"Hush you. Don't be absurd." Delysia smirked.

Loki looked up at Delysia and smiled weakly as he saw the frustration on her face.

"Oh come on. Kick." Delysia whispered.

A few moments passed and Loki's eyes widened as he felt the faintest kick from the baby. The two laughed together and Loki stood from his knees and leaned forward to lay a kiss to her lips.

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