Chapter Seventeen

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"Are you certain?" Varin asked.

"I am. I heard them together in their chambers. She is no longer pure." The guard replied.

"Damn!" Varin exclaimed.

Knorr passed the guard his money and sighed.

"Make sure that whenever you hear them or even see them together, you alert us." Knorr told him.

The guard bowed his head and Varin gave Knorr a look as the guard took his exit.

"Why should we care anymore? She isn't as valuable." Varin asked.

"But don't you see the new opportunity? If she gets pregnant, she will give birth to a new breed. Asgardian and elf. It'll be a sight to see that everyone will pay large sums for. But, just once won't do it. That's why the guard has to keep his post out there to hear them." Knorr explained.

"And what will we do once her baby is born?" Varin inquired.

"We'll take it in the night and travel far into the villages to use the baby for our advantages." Knorr replied.

Loki and Delysia kissed sweetly as he rolled on top of her and she giggled as she pulled back from the kiss.

"What are you up to?" Delysia asked.

Loki kissed her lips, neck, and chest as he slowly moved down her body. Delysia panted softly as she closed her eyes and smiled softly as Loki pulled the covers over his head and she gasped as he took her sex into his mouth. Loki gripped her thighs and Delysia laid her hands over his as she moaned loudly.

"We've started breakfast. Loki, it's been several-"

Delysia gasped loudly and pulled the covers over her chest as she sat up in the bed, not trying to make any eye contact with Frigga. Loki sat up from the bed and Frigga pursed her lips together as she saw the covers rise, forming to his shape.

"Minutes and we've been waiting for you two." Frigga finished.

"We'll be right out, mother. Gives a few minutes to change." Loki told her.

Frigga nodded her head and closed the door after she left. Loki pushed the covers back over his head and the two broke out into fits of giggles as he leaned forward and rested his head on hers.

"That was hilarious." Delysia chuckled.

"It certainly was. But we should get dressed." Loki told her.

"We didn't finish." Delysia pouted.

"We can pick up where we left off tonight. Mother and father won't be pleased if we don't go to breakfast since we are holding everybody up." Loki explained.

Delysia beamed and kissed Loki softly before the two got out of bed, changed, and made their way to the dining hall. Loki took Delysia's hand in his and smiled brightly at her as they walked down the hall. As the day went by, Loki and Delysia spent every minute together. They went for a walk through the gardens and then stopped by the sun room. There, they sat by the window together, with Loki laying on the cushioned window cell and Delysia laying against him. His arms wrapped around her tightly and she held onto his hands as the two laid together while listening to the music being created in the room.

"What was it like in Vanaheim? Before the attacks?" Loki asked.

"It was beautiful. It was peaceful. We didn't do harm to anyone." Delysia replied.

"What did you do with your family or by yourself?" Loki inquired.

"I never really did much in the palace. There wasn't much to do. I would take long walks through our gardens, paint whenever I could find the time, dance at balls, and basically anything a young princess was expected to do." Delysia explained.

"Well, that has to change. You're free to do whatever you'd like here. Just ask and I shall give you what you desire, my love." Loki told her.

Delysia smiled brightly as Loki kissed the top of her head.

"So, what do you want to do?" Loki asked.

"Mmm...I want to take a nice, hot, relaxing bath." Delysia replied.

"Come. I'll help set one up for you." Loki said.

The two walked back to their chambers and Delysia sat on the edge of the bath in her robe as Loki ran the water and added some bubbles and petals to the running water. Once everything was finished, Loki stood up straight and Delysia removed her robe. Loki inhaled sharply as he looked up and down her naked body and she smirked at him.

"Like what you see?" Delysia teased.

"I do...very much." Loki replied.

He took a step towards her and Delysia giggled as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Would you care to join me in my bath?" Delysia asked.

"I'd love to." Loki smirked.

The two laid in the bath together at either end of the tub. She brushed her foot against the outside of his thigh and Loki gave her a look as she smiled.

"Someone's frisky from this morning." Loki commented.

He smirked as Delysia made her way towards Loki in the tub and straddled his waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Loki gripped her hips and she bit her lip as she moved her hips against him. He inhaled sharply as he chuckled and Delysia giggled as he leaned forward to lay his lips over hers. The two kissed deeply as Loki lifted her up slightly to position himself at her entrance. The two moaned softly and Loki furrowed his brow as Delysia began to move her hips. Loki bared his teeth as he lifted his hips up to meet her movements. Delysia bit her lip as she panted softly and the two moved together in sync with one another. Soon enough, the two finished together and Delysia rested her head against his shoulder as she fell over his body.

"I love you, Delysia." Loki whispered.

"And I love you." Delysia whispered back.

After their bath, the two changed into their day clothes and the moon began to rise. After dinner, the two retired to their chambers and sat in front of the fire. Loki sat very still as Delysia captured his image. Loki looked towards the fire to make sure it wasn't dying down.

"Stay still!" Delysia laughed.

"Sorry." Loki chuckled.

"Now the lights all wrong." Delysia whined.

"Just keeping painting it." Loki told her.

"It'll be off." Delysia said.

"It won't be off. You're an amazing artist. You'll make it wonderful." Loki told Delysia.

Delysia smiled as she went back to painting his image and soon enough she finished and showed him the portrait.

"It's quite good." Loki commented.

"Quite good?" Delysia scoffed.

"I mean, it's amazing, Delysia. I'm speechless at how beautiful it is. Thank you." Loki told her.

"Is it worthy of being put up in your library when it finishes drying?" Delysia asked.

"Of course it is. I'm your number one patron." Loki replied.

"Oh, really? Then where's my money?" Delysia inquired.

The two laughed as Delysia set the painting to dry and Loki walked towards her. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and kissed her neck sweetly as Delysia laid her hands over his.

"If my family were here today, they would have liked you as my husband." Delysia commented.

"Really?" Loki asked as he pulled away.

Delysia turned to face him and nodded her head.

"Yes. You saved me from living another life of torture, you took care of me and treated me with respect, you saved me from being harmed, and you learned to love me, just as I love you. They would be honored to have you as their son-in-law." Delysia explained.

Loki smiled brightly and laughed as he wrapped his arms around her and spun Delysia. She laughed loudly as she laid her hands on his chest and beamed as he set her back on the floor.

"That was the best compliment I could ever receive." Loki told her.

"I'm glad." Delysia beamed.

"You're so beautiful." Loki said softly.

Delysia blushed as Loki pushed a strand of hair behind her pointed ear and he smiled weakly at her. Delysia licked her lip in the modest way and Loki took her face in his hands as he took a step towards her. She looked up into his eyes and smiled as her eyes met his.

"What is it?" Delysia asked.

"I don't know." Loki replied.

"Is something wrong?" She inquired.

"No. Everything's perfect." Loki told her.

"Are you happy?" Delysia beamed.

"I am." Loki said.

"Then that's what is the matter. You are most wonderfully happy." Delysia told him.

"Are you happy?" Loki asked.

"I think you already know the answer." Delysia retorted.

"Let's go to bed." Loki told her.

"To sleep?" Delysia arched her brow.

Loki smirked as Delysia giggled and the two ran over to the bed. As the weeks went by, the guard reported back to Varin and Knorr telling them that almost every night, the two went to bed together.

"Soon, her half breed will be conceived and we will have our riches." Varin said.

"We'll be set for the rest of our lives." Knorr chuckled.

One day in the sun room, Loki was sketching Delysia laying on the window sill and he furrowed his brow as she sat up on the cushions.

"Don't move, love." Loki said.

"I don't feel good." Delysia told him.

"Are you alright?" Loki quickly asked.

He set the sketch book down on his chair as he rushed towards Delysia to help her up from the windowsill.

"I'm not sure. I feel a little...woozy." Delysia replied.

"Let me get you to Eir. I'm sure she'll be able to see what's wrong." Loki told her.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and helped her to the healing rooms.

"Eir? Delysia needs some help." Loki called out.

Eir entered the room and smiled as she took Delysia's hand in hers and helped her onto the bed. Delysia looked around the room at all the strange technology and Loki held her hand to reassure her that everything was alright.

"How are you feeling?" Eir asked.

"Woozy." Delysia replied.

"Any nausea?" Eir inquired.

"Yes, I think so." Delysia said.

"Stay still for me." Eir told her.

"Why? What's happening?" Delysia asked.

"She's going to use the soul forge to look inside you to make sure everything is normal." Loki replied.

Delysia nodded her head and remained still as Eir began to use the soul forge. Her eyes widened as she saw the soul forge being used and giggled softly as she turned her head to look at Loki.

"We never had these." Delysia commented.

"Only Asgardians are known for this technology." Loki told her.

"That's me up there. Can you believe it?" Delysia laughed.

Loki chuckled softly and kissed her forehead softly.

"I think I can see what your issue is." Eir said as she shut the soul forge off.

"What is it? Will I be alright?" Delysia asked.

"You'll be more than alright. Of course, you'll experience some nausea for a period of time as well as fatigue." Eir told her.

"Why?" Delysia inquired.

"Because you two are going to be parents in nine months." Eir announced.

Loki's eyes widened as Delysia sat up from the bed and beamed. He scoffed and he furrowed his brow as his lips curled into a smile.

"A baby?" Delysia asked.

"Yes. About a week in." Eir replied.

Delysia gasped as she covered her mouth and tears began to stream down her cheeks. Eir gave the two a moment to themselves and Delysia turned to look at Loki.

"We're going to have a baby!" Delysia joyfully exclaimed.

"I'm going to be a father." Loki said breathlessly.

"You are. Aren't you happy?" Delysia asked as she examined his stone cold expression.

He slowly turned his head to face her and swallowed hard as he sighed. She furrowed his brow at him and looked him up and down.

"Well? Aren't you happy?" Delysia inquired.

Loki smiled brightly and bit his lip as he looked into Delysia's eyes, the one part of her he loved the most, but that soon changed when he realized that she was carrying their child. Her entire being was the one thing he loved about her for it could give life to a new soul that was the product of their love towards one another.

"I am the most wonderfully happy." Loki replied.  

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