Chapter Seven

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Loki chuckled along with Delysia as she looked back down at her plate and continued to eat her dinner.

"If we were to be friends, we should get to know each other better." Loki said.

"That is something people do, yes." Delysia said softly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Loki asked.

"About what?" Delysia retorted.

"About your life." Loki replied.

"My life before or after my people were slaughtered by men who are no different than you?" Delysia asked.

"And what do you mean by that? I've been nothing but kind towards you." Loki told her.

"I meant your people, in general, are no different from those on Vanaheim." Delysia clarified.

"How?" Loki asked.

"You fought and butchered them to gain a possession that did not belong to you." Delysia explained.

"But we have not used you for profits or tortured you in anyway." Loki said.

"That's not my point." Delysia sighed.

"What is your point?" Loki asked.

"That you kill and slaughter those who stand in your way to get what you desire most." Delysia told him.

"Any man who serves his realm's army is known to do that. And most of the people they attack deserve it." Loki chuckled.

"My people did no harm. We were peaceful and against war. We were a neutral towards anything that would harm us or others. Do you think that we deserved what happened to us? Do you really think we had it coming? I watched them all die in front of me. Do you think I deserved that?" Delysia asked angrily.

Loki watched as her eyes were brimmed with tears. He did not know how to answer, thinking that no matter what he said, she would still be angry at him. Delysia stood from the table and Loki quickly stood up after her.

"I'm going to retire now." Delysia stated.

"Alright. I shall read by the fire until I grow tired." Loki told her.

Delysia nodded her head and went into the bathroom to change into her nightgown. Loki pulled out a book and sat on the couch as Delysia reentered the room. She paced towards the bed and Loki quickly glanced over his shoulder as Delysia got into bed and pulled the covers over her. Loki read until the fire died down and he changed into his night clothes before softly slipping under the covers next to Delysia. She was fast asleep and Loki smiled weakly as he turned his back to her and fell asleep. The following morning, Loki awoke feeling guilty as he saw Delysia walking around the room, reading the book he had read before.

"Delysia?" Loki asked.

She stopped in her tracks and gasped softly as she looked up at him.

"What?" Delysia retorted.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I don't think you deserved anything you went through. I'm sorry for what they did to you and your people." Loki told her.

"It's not your fault. You don't have to apologize. Besides, it's over and done with now." Delysia trailed off.

"I what?" Loki asked.

"You...helped me." Delysia replied, trying to avoid the word save.

Loki smiled weakly.

"No one's helped me before." Delysia confessed.

Loki got out of bed and walked towards Delysia as she looked at him.

"We all wish to help you. Not just me." Loki told her.

"You want to help? Then you know what you should do?" Delysia asked.

"What is it?" Loki retorted.

"Don't lie." Delysia told him.


"-To me or to yourself." Delysia interjected.

"But it is the truth. I want nothing more than to help you. So does my mother, my brother and my friends. They all want to help." Loki told her.

"You should change. Breakfast is starting soon." Delysia sighed.

Loki bit his lip as he walked into his closet and Delysia looked up from her book to glance over at him. She was glad that they were trying to help her but she couldn't be too grateful and let her guard down. She had to be sure that she was safe here before she could do anything. Once Loki emerged from the closet he stopped in the doorway and looked at Delysia.

"Will you be coming to the dining hall with me or shall I order the maids to bring you breakfast?" Loki asked.

She knew it was a test. He wanted to see if she would open up to him, still not realizing she already had.

"Order a maid." Delysia replied.

Loki nodded his head as he sighed and quickly paced towards the door.

"Loki." Delysia said.

He turned to face her and raised a brow as she smiled weakly.

"Will you still come and visit like you said last night?" Delysia asked.

"If you want me to." Loki replied.

"I do." Delysia said.

"Then I shall meet with you later." Loki told her before exiting the room.

Delysia sighed as she sat herself at his writing desk and continued writing on her paper. Minutes later, a few maids entered the room and set the tray of food on the desk.

"Prince Loki instructed us to make sure you eat everything." The maid told her.

Delysia nodded her head and began to eat as the maids sat close to her and worked on sewing or cleaning the room. Varin and Knorr paced towards the guard who was taking his break eating an apple as he leaned against a column.

"We require a service of you." Varin said.

"I'm already servicing you." The guard chuckled.

"We need you to let us inside the elf's chambers." Knorr told him.

"I can't do that." The guard said.

"Why?" Varin scoffed.

"Because Prince Loki told me that no one, except him and some maids are allowed inside without his permission," The guard told them. "And I'm in charge of guarding the elf."

"Yes, we are aware of that but...does he pay you for what you do?" Knorr asked.

"No." The guard replied.

Knorr pulled out a coin for the guard and he was about to snatch it when Knorr pulled his hand away.

"Let us see her first." Knorr said.

"Alright. But not for too long. I do not want my duties relieved because of this." The guard told them.

"Do not worry about that." Varin chuckled.

The guard walked them to the chambers and opened the door. The maids all stood and bowed their heads.

"You may all leave." Varin said.

Delysia furrowed her brow at the unfamiliar voice but did not turn her head. The door closed and Delysia heard footsteps getting closer to her. She quickly stood from her seat and heard one of the men raise their voice at her.

"You don't have to stand. Sit down." Varin told her.

Delysia did as she was told and slowly looked at the two men standing before her.

"What is your name?" Knorr asked as he pulled out a chair and sat down in it.

Delysia watched as Varin moved behind Knorr and smirked. She remained quiet and they both chuckled.

"Loki was not lying when he mentioned she would not speak to anyone." Varin commented.

"Don't be afraid. We only wish to speak to you." Knorr told her.

Delysia nodded her head and waited for the two men to keep speaking.

"I am Knorr and this is Varin. We are members of Odin's council." Knorr spoke.

She felt her body tense as he told her their occupation and bowed her head before looking back up at the two.

"We don't mean you any harm. We want to help you." Knorr said.

"Truly, we do. You can trust us." Varin added.

"You are a very special person here in Asgard. And I have no doubts that the people would do nothing than to use you as you had been on Vanaheim." Knorr explained.

"If you listen to us, we can help you stay safe here on Asgard. We can come back to talk to you and make sure you are truly safe." Varin continued.

"Besides..." Knorr trailed off.

He stood up from his seat and walked over to Delysia. She winced as Knorr pushed some hair behind her ear, exposing its pointed shape.

"You don't like being alone all day, do you?" Knorr asked.

Delysia glared up at Knorr and he smirked.

"Surely, the maids don't talk to you since you don't talk to them. And Loki doesn't even want you as his wife. He only married you to keep you safe." Varin explained.

"A silly solution. That boy could never treat you right or help you in any way. He's too stupid for his own good." Knorr told her.

Delysia raised a brow as she listened to him speak and watched the two as they walked towards each other's side. They then stood shoulder to shoulder in front of her and Delysia bit the inside of her cheek as she glared at them.

"Now, we shall take our leave. Process what we've told you and choose who you wish to trust." Varin told her.

"A foolish boy or men who know more about the world than he." Knorr said.

"If you don't choose us, it is your loss and we understand since you are in a fragile state. But if you choose us, we can truly save you from the horrors of this realm." Varin explained.

"We hope to see you at the feasts for the rest of the week. Everyone is dying to meet you." Knorr smirked.

The two men bowed their heads and began to leave the room. Before they left, they turned back to face Delysia and she furrowed her brow at them.

"And do not mention that we were here. It will help you to decide who you want to trust." Varin told her.

With that, the two men left the room and the maids reentered. She looked at them and took a deep breath before getting back to her writing. That night, Loki was getting dressed for the feast being held. There were only two more and Delysia still did not know if she would go. She sat at the desk and continued to write as Loki fixed his armor.

"You did not come to visit me." Delysia said.

"I know. I'm terribly sorry. I got caught up with some matters." Loki told her.

Delysia slowly nodded her head and sighed.

"Did the maids come as I asked?" Loki asked.

"Yes." Delysia replied.

And two men, Delysia thought.

"Good. I hope they kept you some company." Loki told her.

He walked over to Delysia and laid his hand on her shoulder. She flinched as she sharply turned her head to face him.

"I promise that tomorrow I shall visit you during the day." Loki said.

"Thank you." Delysia smiled weakly.

"I shall be back when you are asleep." Loki told her.

"If I can fall asleep." Delysia commented.

Loki chuckled softly before exiting the room and Delysia quickly paced towards the door and locked it. She knew there was a guard outside but she was more afraid than ever. She didn't want to trust those two men. Their mouths told one story yet their eyes spoke another. She panted softly as she thought about what they told her. They were from the council. The same council that debated on what they should do with her. How could Loki's idea have been foolish if everyone agreed upon it? Delysia decided to stop thinking about them and changed into her nightgown before slipping into bed and reading until she fell asleep. Varin and Knorr were outside her chambers speaking with the guard.

"What happened last night?" Varin asked.

"I believe there had been a small argument but nothing else. I swear this prince treats her as if she is married to the Gods." The guard explained.

"Good." Knorr smirked.

He slipped the guard a few coins and the guard bowed his head.

"Is she alone?" Knorr asked.

"She is but there's no use. I heard her lock the door." The guard replied.

"Then she does not wish to trust us." Varin commented.

"Don't worry. She will. In time. We just have to make her believe us." Knorr told him.

"From what I could hear, it might be hard. She's a stubborn girl." The guard chuckled.

"Let us get to the feast. Someone may suspect something if we are not there." Varin told Knorr.

"You're right. We shall speak again." Knorr said to the guard.

The guard bowed his head again and watched as the two men made their way down the hall to the throne room. Later that night, Loki went to open the door and used his magic to unlock it. He furrowed his brow as he entered the room and found Delysia asleep in bed. She has no reason to lock the door when there is a guard outside, Loki thought to himself. He sighed knowing he would ask her about it the next morning. He changed into his night clothes and slowly got under the covers. This time, he turned to face Delysia and looked at her as she slept. She looked peaceful, just as she had described her race. Loki could not deny it any longer. He wanted to try his marriage with Delysia, but he still did not love her. He was willing to be friends with her and treat her as one. All he needed was for her to open up to him about her past. That was all he wanted.  

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