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  Delysia and Loki were in their chambers changing Egnari on their bed. Egnari squirmed on the bed and cooed as Delysia kissed her cheek.

"What happened to them?" Delysia inquired.

"They have been put in the prisons after they were found guilty of kidnapping you and Egnari. It's been a few days since they've been brought there." Loki explained.

"Good." Delysia said.

When she finished changing Egnari, she lifted her into her arms and smiled at her.

"How is the wound?" Delysia asked.

"Better. Eir says that me walking will help it but it still hurts when I bend forward or backwards." Loki told her.

"At least you're safe and well." Delysia smiled.

Loki kissed her sweetly and sighed as he looked down at Egnari.

"I wish I could hold her." Loki said.

"Eir said lifting things isn't good for you right now. Soon you can. I can tell she really wants to be in your arms." Delysia told him.

"I know but I love holding her." Loki sighed.

"Soon, my love." Delysia chuckled.

Egnari fussed as she raised her hands up towards Loki and he pouted as he furrowed his brow.

"What is it, dear?" Loki chuckled.

Egnari began to cry and Delysia sighed as she sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I think she's hungry." Delysia told him.

Delysia pulled down her dress and she chuckled as Egnari quickly found her breast and began to feed.

"She can do it herself now." Delysia giggled.

Loki sat next to Delysia on the bed and winced as he sat down.

"I'm alright." Loki told her.

Loki cradled Egnari's head and laid a kiss to it.

"This is nice. We're finally all together. No one will tear us apart." Delysia told him.

"That's right. No one." Loki said.

He kissed her cheek and laid his head against hers. As the days passed, Loki's wound healed and the court was finally introduced to Egnari. After hearing what had happened, all of the court slowly began to accept Delysia for who she was. The other court officials went out of their way to make sure Delysia was well accommodated in the palace. Once Egnari was about the age of one, Delysia and Loki discovered they were expecting another child. When at a check-up with Eir, it came as a shock when they found that she was expecting triplets. It raised several concerns to Eir since Egnari had to be cut out since she was too big. If the triplets were too big, Delysia would have to be bedridden for some months before anything could happen. With careful monitoring, Eir was able to see that the triplets would be of a normal size and she wouldn't have any problems. When the time came to deliver, Eir was able to use some seidr to help the babies get into the correct position for Delysia to push them out. Loki was with her through the whole thing and in a matter of hours, Delysia gave birth to two boys and a girl, Oleif, Damien, and Leah. As Delysia was resting, Loki held Egnari in his arms as he looked over the triplets with her.

"Look, Egnari. Look it's your brothers and sister." Loki whispered.

Egnari followed Loki's fingers to the babies and she began to squeal as she smiled brightly.

"Shh, we need to be quiet. Your mother is resting and the babies are sleeping." Loki told her.

Egnari kicked her legs and Loki chuckled at her as he kissed her head. The triplets began to move and Loki gasped softly as he directed Egnari's attention to them. The triplets slowly roused from their sleep and Loki smiled brightly.

"They're waking up. See? They want to see their big sister." Loki whispered.

Loki sat down next to the cradle and reached his hand inside to pull the blankets down.

"That's Damien and Leah. And that's Oleif. He was named after your mother's brother. And you were named after her sister-in-law." Loki told Egnari.

The triplets ran their hands across their faces as they squirmed around and Loki chuckled as he smiled brightly.

"They're all so beautiful, aren't they?" Loki asked.

Egnari giggled as she looked at them and Loki smiled.

"You're going to have a wonderful time caring for them and playing with them when they get older." Loki told Egnari.

Egnari looked up at Loki and he beamed as he kissed her cheek. He then looked over at Delysia and sighed breathlessly as he smiled.

"We're all together." Loki whispered.  

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