Chapter Thirteen

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Frigga smiled as she watched Loki and Delysia enter the dining hall laughing and chatting with one another. Loki pulled out her seat for her and Delysia thanked him as she sat down. He quickly took his seat next to her and smiled brightly at her before looking down at his plate. Towards the end of breakfast, Loki reminded Delysia to speak with Frigga afterwards. Frigga walked over to Loki and Delysia and smiled at the two of them.

"Loki, may I steal your wife away for a few moments?" Frigga asked.

"Go on, Delysia. My mother won't bite." Loki told her.

Delysia rolled her eyes at him and she smiled weakly as Frigga led her to her study. Loki watched the two as they left and was taken from his thoughts when he felt two hands on either of his shoulders.

"What do you think they're going to talk about?" Thor inquired.

"I'm not sure and frankly, it is none of my concern." Loki replied.

"Maybe she's trying to see if Delysia loves you. If Delysia says no, maybe she'll make her marry someone else? Maybe, someone like me?" Fandral inquired as he smirked.

"No she won't. Delysia would never say no." Loki told him.

"How would you know that?" Fandral asked, confused by Loki's outburst.

Loki's eyes widened as he realized what he said and quickly turned to face Thor and Fandral.

"I, um, she...I just know alright." Loki snapped.

Loki grimaced as Fandral and Thor laughed and stormed out of the dining hall into his library. He sat in front of the fireplace and opened up a new book. But as he read, he couldn't forget his response to Fandral. What did he know what Delysia was thinking? Did he want her to say no? Loki kept thinking about it and huffed as he shut the book and threw it on the table in front of him. Loki chuckled as he shook his head. His eyes then caught sight of the painting Delysia drew for him. As he looked at it, he studied the way she drew him and remembered how she described why she drew him the way he did. Then, small phrases she had said earlier in the beginning of their relationship, no, Loki, friendship, that made him even more confused. She had always told him that he spoke to her as if he loved her but he denied it. Loki then remembered how Delysia acted around him and then he stared at the painting. That painting that she made for him...specifically for him and no one else...just him. Loki touched his lips, recalling how she said they were her favorite feature of his. And that's when he got his answer. He told Fandral she would say no because deep down, he believed Delysia to harbor feelings for him.

"Do take a seat anywhere you feel comfortable." Frigga told her.

Delysia sat down by a table and Frigga took a seat next to her.

"How are things for you here, Delysia? Is the staff treating you well?" Frigga inquired.

Delysia nodded her head.

"How about Loki? Is everything alright with him?" Frigga asked as she raised a brow.

"Yes." Delysia replied softly.

"You don't have to be scared, Delysia. This isn't an interrogation. I just want to get to know you better." Frigga explained.

"I'm sorry. I've just never been anywhere here in the palace without Loki at my side. He keeps me balanced." Delysia replied.

"And why is that?" Frigga asked.

"Well, he promised to protect me and keep me safe from those who wish to harm me. He married me to save me, didn't he?" Delysia told her.

Frigga chuckled softly as she nodded her head.

"Technically, it was my idea at first. He was completely appalled by it." Frigga brought up.

"Oh." Delysia whispered.

"But, he is a kind soul. At first, he hated the idea of throwing away any chance at finding his true love. Nonetheless, he's the one who spoke up about the plan and was able to save you. He seems to be opening up to you more now." Frigga explained.

"Oh." Delysia said a little bit louder.

"He is a good man. I'm proud of the person he's become. I can tell he cares for you very much." Frigga told her.

"I think he does." Delysia spoke.

"Do you? After everything that's ever happened to you, you can still trust someone to...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude like that." Frigga chuckled nervously.

"No, it's alright," Delysia told her. "First, he brought me food in the cell I was in and told me he would get me out. And he did. Even if that meant I would have to become his wife, he still got me out of the cell. He promised no one would hurt me. No one has. He had a guard keep watch outside our door when I refused to leave and sent maids to keep me company. He always had my best interests at heart."

"He always does, for anyone. Loki told me you painted him." Frigga mentioned.

"Oh, yes. It felt good engaging in one of my old hobbies." Delysia chuckled.

"Can you trust my son?" Frigga asked.

Delysia took a few moments to think about it and sighed as she looked over at Frigga.

"I do." Delysia replied.

"Really?" Frigga asked.

"I trust him with my life. He cares for me and I care for him. I trust him that I even was able to share my past with him. I know he won't go and tell anyone unless I'm comfortable with it. He does care for me. Loki is a kind soul. He's a very gentle man and he never once turned from me in disgust of what happened to me. He was disgusted by their actions but not by me. No one has ever reacted that way before. So, yes. I trust him more than anyone." Delysia explained.

"Delysia, do you love my son?" Frigga asked.

Delysia's eyes widened as the color drained from her face and she stuttered to reply. Before she could give her answer, the doors burst open and Delysia and Frigga turned to find Loki standing in the doorway, panting softly.

"Loki? What are you doing here?" Frigga inquired.

"I, um, I...I just wanted to see how you two were doing." Loki replied.

"Did you run here?" Frigga asked.

"No." Loki scoffed as he walked into the room.

He took his seat next to Delysia and she smiled weakly as she looked up at him.

"So, what were you two talking about?" Loki asked.

"Well, she was-"

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