gummy worms

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listen to the man - george ezra

p a t r o c l u s
" my friend, great hearted friend. "

"Two papers due by Friday and three, you hear that Patroclus, three people have noticed I've cut my hair," Achilles laid his head down on the Chemistry table. Patroclus rolled his eyes, taking off his safety goggles.

"Blame it on your mother, not me," Patroclus looked over at his best friend. Achilles lifted his head up, pouting.

"The man bun won't be present any time soon."

"And I don't think anyone is complaining as much as you are. Now get your bag and let's go to lunch," Patroclus said, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and walking towards the door. Achilles followed after him, walking beside him downtime hallway.

"Hey, Pat, could - "

Patroclus handed Achilles a ten dollar bill. "Go buy your dumb sandwich wrap thing, I'll go find a table to sit at. And don't waste the rest of it on gummy worms!" He called out as Achilles made his way to the lunch line. He found an empty table, setting his bag down and taking out his lunch.

"Hey, Patroclus, you're really smart, right?"

Patroclus sighed, recognizing the voice. "Yeah, Hector, why?"

Hector sat down across from Patroclus, taking a sip from his Dr Pepper can. "So my brother got himself into this shit pile of a mess with Menelaus' girl -"

"Please get to the point," Patroclus said, opening his sandwich bag.

"Okay, so I just need you to tell Menelaus or whatever that Paris isn't gonna mess with Helen anymore and - "

"Is that the truth?" Patroclus raised an eyebrow.

" I just need someone to back him up because he's already annoying the shit out of me with complaining about this situation and I need him to stop - "

"Hector, as much as I care about your pretty brother and his girl problems," Patroclus looked up at the other boy, "I'm really not gonna lie. It'd start a drama war and I don't wanna be caught in that."

"Oh, hey, Hector," Achilles sat down next to Patroclus, raising his eyebrows at the boy with the Dr Pepper. Hector gave a fake smile back.

"Achilles. Listen just tell your boyfr - "

"Not his boyfriend," Patroclus muttered. Hector sighed.

"Okay, just can you guys please back Paris up for this?"

"No can do, I already saved his butt from that fiasco with Emelia last year. Not doing that again. Plus, Menelaus wouldn't believe us," Achilles opened up his wrap and shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever," Hector rolled his eyes, getting up from the table and walking away.

Achilles looked over at Patroclus. "This isn't gonna be pretty. Oh and," he held up two bags of gummy worms, "you're welcome."

"Achilles! I told you not to!" Patroclus complained, watching Achilles laugh.

"Hey, one for me and one for you. It's even."

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