2.) What Are Fighting For?

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Pandora's P.O.V

"My mum said yes, so that just leaves you Micheal." Calum said.

We have all been walking around for an hour asking if all my friends could spend the night at mine.

"I don't see why she would say no. It's Friday, so we don't have school tomorrow. I'll just text her and see if she's cool with it. Let's just go back to your house." Mikey said.

Calum only lived a few house down, so the walk to my place wasn't that bad.

"When we get there, we are going straight to my room. I need to talk to you all about something. It should explain why I have been acting so weird lately." I said before walking ahead of all of them, getting to my house before my dad got home.

"Jesus. Slow down, where's the fire at?" Ashton joked, but I just kept walking until we were at my house, and we went straight down to the basement.

Everyone is sitting around me and waiting for me to tell them why I've been so different, before I heard it again.

"Peter do we really need to do this now?! Panda and her friends are downstairs in her room!" My mum yelled. I just shook my head.

"Tell them they all need to get the fuck out. You didn't ask my permission before letting our daughter have a fucking gang bang in my house." My dad yelled back.

"It's my house to! And do you really think that is what is happening? We have known those boys since Panda is 9 years old. I trust them all with her life." My mum yelled.

Before I could hear my dads response I got up and ran to the door and slammed it shut. I took a moment to breathe before walking down to the boys again.

"That. That is what I wanted to tell you about. I can't sleep because I have to keep Jeremy and Miya calm all night, while they tear into eachother like that." I revealed.

"Wow. What did they even start fighting for?" Ashton asked me, I shrugged and shook my head.

"I don't know. It's something different every single time they fight. Whether it's me, or money, or the fucking tv remote. I don't even know why this all started." I said angrily.

They all knew I wasn't angry at them. Just in general.

"All I wanna do is cry and scream but I can't. I don't feel like I have the power to." I said truthfully.

Calum came over to me and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. I burried my head in his shoulder and took a deep breath.

"You know, if it ever gets to bad my house is always open for you." Cal said.

"I know that, but I can't just leave. My siblings are so defenseless and don't know what's going on." I said.

I'm very thankful for the offer but, I will not not stop trying to fix what has happened to my family. I wanna find their happiness again.

I just hope I can before it's impossible to fix their broken pieces.

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