13.) To Long

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Pandora's P.O.V

Three weeks.

Three weeks I have been without my mum and it gets harder and harder for me to function every single day.

At her funeral I had to sit next to my dad, the man responsible for her death. What really sucks about that is, I couldn't say anything about it because our family was there and I didn't feel like starting any major drama when we were mourning her death.

The bastard even sat there and cried like a little baby. Acting as if he never saw it coming, but I know the reality of it.

It's his fault.

I barely stay at my house. I'm always at Calum's.

I finally told his mum why I never wanted to leave, and she told me I could stay with them as long as I needed to. Which I am very thankful for.

My dad always asks me when I do go home or when he sees me in public why I never come home, and I tell him the same thing everytime.

I have no reason to.

Jeremy and Miya are living with my Aunt now because of the unstable environment that is my dad's house.

Since my mum's suicide, there is no one to clean up after him.

There is beer and whiskey bottle laying around everywhere.

Piles of dirty dishes on the counter and in the sink.

When social services showed up unexpectedly, my dad was drunk and answered the door I his boxers and the decision to move the kids was instantly made.

Maybe now he will realize that he did this all to himself, and it's to late to fix it.

"Panda, I know it's tough, but can you please pay attention? I don't want you to fail your finals." Calum whispered and I snapped out if my thoughts.

I nodded my head and looked up at the board and saw all the notes I missed, that I would probably have to copy from Cal later.

I started writting down what I could before the bell rang dismissing us for the day, and I couldn't be happier.

I put all my books in my bag and walked out if the classroom and went to my locker where I saw Sarah and Julie waiting for me smiling devilishly.

"Nice outfit Pandora, did you steal it from a hobo on the way here this morning?" Julie asked and I just shove her out if my way so I could put books away.

"No need to get violent Pandora. I was just asking a question." She said grabbing my hair and twirling it around in her fingers.

"You know, I'm really not in the mood for your shit right now. So if you could kindly fuck off and get hit by a bus that would be awesome." I snapped slamming my locker shut and walking away to find my friends.

"Okay, I'll walk in front of it purposely to. Kill myself just like your mum did." She yelled down the hallway at me causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

When I turned around to look at her I saw her body slammed up against the lockers by Luke, and I could see him yelling at her but I couldn't hear him.

She looked smug, as if him yelling didn't phase her. But Sarah looked terrified, and that cheered me up a bit.

I saw Luke punch the locker next to her head causing her to jump, and everyone in the hallway to look at them.

No one stopped him, no one even attempted.

I hate those bitches so much.

One day they are gonna get a taste of their own medicine, and it is really gonna suck for them.

But what makes that even better, is I will probably be the one dishing it out to them.

I just can't be bothered right now.

Broken Home ~ (5sos)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora