9.) Home

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Pandora's P.O.V

After Ash and I packed up most of the kids stuff, including blankets, stuffed animals, and all their other necessary items we ran down to the kitchen to grab some of their snacks. Miya is very picky about what she eats, so I needed to get her cookies, and her chips. She won't eat them unless they are hers.

Six year olds and their weird habits.

"Okay, I think that is everything." I said.

Ash and I grabbed the few bags we have backed up and ran out to the car, not even worrying about the lights being on, or locking the door. It's not my house anymore. I'm gonna have a new home soon enough.

That's something this house has really been in a while. A home.

We climbed back in the car, and Ashton pulled away from the house and started driving through town until we were at his place.

"Harry and Lauren aren't around tonight, so Miya and Jeremy can sleep in their rooms. You can sleep in my bed. I'll go to the couch, I don't mind." Ashton said, and I just shook my head.

"There is nothing wrong with friends sharing a bed Ashton. We did it all the time as kids." I said with a slight amusement in my voice.

He just smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Fine. We can share my bed. I only have one request. Please tie your hair up because I don't want to be eating it all night long." Ashton joked. I laughed slightly and agreed.

When we got to the house, Ashton brought his mum out to talk to me, while Ash and Cal took the kids, and all of their stuff in the house. I stayed in the passenger seat of the car, and Anne climbed in the driver seat and frowned at me.

Neither of us said anything for a moment. She just stared at me, while I stared at my hands that are sitting in my lap.

"Pandora, why do you need to stay here? What's going on at home?" She asked me.

That's what I was worried about. Telling her everything

"I guess I should start from the beginning." I said sadly.

Anne nodded, but had a sad look on her face, like she felt bad for putting me through this.

"My mum and dad have been fighting. It's almost constant, and over the stupidest things. I haven't really slept in months because I always have to keep the kids calm. But my parents never stopped, no matter how many times I yelled t them to quit fighting." I said. Anne grabbed my hand and held on to it.

"Is there more darling?" She asked me, and I nodded.

"I'm just getting to the worst part. Anyway, the boys all stayed at my house last night and they did it again. That's the first time they ever did it in front of anyone but family. This morning, while the kids were with my aunt and my dad was at work, I was getting ready to go out with my mum cause we had plans to do so today, but they never happened." I said, tears falling from my face, knowing I'm about to say the worst thing ever.

"Why not? Did your dad interfere?" She asked me.

"In a way. My dad must have said something to her before he left for work because my mum was up in her room, so I though that she was getting ready. Until, I was ready before her. That's not even possible. So, I walked up to her room to see what she was doing, and I found her unconscious n her bed. She overdosed, trying to kill herself." I said, my voice shaking.

"Oh my. Hun, I am so sorry, is she okay?" Anne asked, and I shook my head.

"She's on life support at the hospital. The doctor doesn't know if she can make it." I said, and Anne's arms were thrown around me and I was pulled into her chest.

"Please Pandora. Stay here as long as you want. I want you to think of this place as your home."

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