25.) Graduation

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Pandora's P.O.V

"I look so stupid." Calum complained.

"I think you look cute Cal. I never thought I would see you in one of these." Mali said and Cal rolled his eyes.

All the boys and I are in our caps and gowns standing in front of the school. We all just received our diplomas. And I cannot believe that I did it.

Ashton passed history finals and bumped his final grade up to a low C, so he is very proud of himself.

"I couldn't have done it without these dorks over here." Calum said and pointed at us.

"You so could have done it without us. You are probably the smartest one of all of us, and you're definitely a teachers pet." Mikey joked and Calum laughed.

"I am not a teachers pet. They just really like me because I pay attention in class." Calum responded.

"That is the definition of teachers pet Cal. Maybe you aren't as smart as we thought you were." I joked back and he swung his arm lightly and hit my shoulder.

"Stop joking around now guys and let us get pictures of you all together. I can't get over how cute you all look in your gowns." Luke's mum Liz said pulling out her camera.

After we get all our pictures taken, we are going back to Ashton's house for our graduation party. He has a pool, so we figured that would be the best place to get all our families together, excluding mine, but I'm fine with it.

As much as I would love to have my siblings here, I can deal with it.

There is nothing I can do about it anymore. It's out of my hands.

"Okay, let's go guys." Mali said, and I turned around and looked at the school and the boys did the same.

"Mali, catch this moment on camera too." Calum said, and we gave her a moment to get out her phone.

"Alright ready." She said.

The boys and I shuffled around so that I was in the center, with two boys on each of my sides and Calum counted to three and all of us threw our middle fingers up in the air and we heard Mali start laughing, but she snapped the picture three times just to be sure.

Afterwards we all laughed and walked over to our cars and jut as we were about to get in, Julie walked up to me.

"Hey Pandora, I hope you have a good summer." She said, and I smiled at her since she was being nice to me.

"Thanks. You too." I said. She didn't graduate today she's only going to year twelve, but her older sister graduated with us today.

She walked away and I smiled to myself for being a nice person for once.

I climbed in the car and took off my cap and placed it in my lap shaking out my hair so that the curls fell right on my shoulders.

"You look beautiful today Panda." Ashton said and I smiled at him, while the other boys gave us weird looks. I felt a blush rush onto my face.

"Thanks Ash. You look handsome today." I said while looking at my lap.

"Is there something you wanna tell us Panda?" Calum asked me, nudging my shoulder.

"Not a damn thing."

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