24.) For Goodness Sake

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Pandora's P.O.V

Ashton picked me up and carried me back into my bedroom and dropped me onto my bed before running back to the bathroom and coming back with the first aid kit, slamming my door shut behind him.

"Why on Earth did you do this?" He asked me.

"I got a call today. I can't see my brother and sister. I let them down, and now I don't have any family left. I'm better off this way." I said back with tears in my eyes.

"No, you are not better off this way. You have a family here. Mali and Cal are like your brother and sister. Joy is like a second mother to you. I know it's not blood, but they have done everything they could for you since day one." Ashton said as he cleaned up my arm.

"Oh please, they only took me in because they feel bad for me. Why would anyone wanna take me in? My dad fucked me up so much, and I'm gonna end up just like him one day. It's in my DNA Ashton." I snapped back at him, nd he shook his head and gave me a sad face.

"You will never be anything like him. Did you forget that your mum's DNA is in you too? You will end up just like her. Perfect. She was an amazing woman, and she was doing an amazing job at raising you to be just like her." Ashton said and I looked down at my wrist as he wrapped a bandage around my arm.

"I saw how your mum was with all of you kids. I see her in everything you do Panda. Your father may be in you, and you may get a temper, but your mum raised you better than this. What would Miya say if she saw this? She wants to be just like you, do you really want her to end up with matching scars to you?" Ashton asked me, and tears instantly fell from my eyes.

I promised my mum I wouldn't do this again. I always wanted to be the perfect roll model for Miya to look up too. Jeremy always looked up to Calum, since he is the only thing he has like an older brother. And obviously he didn't wanna be like dad.

Miya won't see these cuts, but some day she will see the scars, and she will ask why I did it.

By the time she sees them she will already be an adult herself, and she will probably have gone through some major shit. Who knows, maybe she will have the same relief I do.

I would hate to see my baby sister covered in scars.

"I never wanna see this again Pandora. If you ever feel like doing it, if I'm not around call me. I will be by your side in a flash." Ashton said and stared dead into my eyes.

"Okay Ash. I will. I promise." I said. I already know I will never break this one.

I can't break the same promise twice.

"Good. I love you to much to see you get hurt." He said, and that's when I realized it.

Ashton says he loves me a lot. And I always say it back thinking it's a joke, but maybe he does really love me. Like a sister of course.

"I love you too Ashton." I said, just before he pressed his lips onto mine.

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