19.) Act Your Age

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Pandora's P.O.V

I haven't seen my brother and sister in a few weeks, so I decided to go over to my aunts after school today and bring Calum with me.

"Panda!" Miya shouted as she came running around the staircase and she ran right into my arms. Jeremy came out shortly after.

"I missed you, why haven't you come to see us?" Jeremy asked me.

"I had some stuff that needed to be dealt with first Jer. I won't go that long without seeing you again. I promise." I said hugging him as well.

"Actually Pandora, you will be going a while without seeing them. Until they are eighteen to be exact." My Aunt said as she walked out into the room.

"What? Why?" I asked appalled.

"Your father called me from a holding cell the other night and told me you got him arrested. Don't you think your family has been through enough without you acting like a child and getting him sent to jail for something stupid?" She asked me in an angry tone.

"It wasn't a stupid reason. He was fucking a teenager!" I shouted at her.

"I want you out of my house. And as the legal guardian of these kids, you will not see them until they are eighteen. Or until you can prove to me that you an act your age and stop making your father look like the bad guy." She shouted back.

"He is the fucking bad guy and you know it. I thought you were on my side, but it looks like your just as bad as him. when your boyfriend kills himself because you're a careless cunt, don't come crying to me. I love you Miya and Jer. I will see soon. I promise you that." I said before walking out of the house and slamming the door.

Calum was sitting on the front stoop, and I stormed straight past him and started walking towards his house. I could hear his footsteps behind me, but I wasn't gonna slow down and let him catch up.

I am super pissed, and I will be calling Sheriff Murphey to find out if there is anything I can do about this situation because if there I, I want it done. She will not side with my dad on this and keep me and my siblings apart.

I was there for them through all of this and I am not about to leave them behind now. They still need me, and they both probably will for quite awhile.

"Panda, what's going on?" Calum asked form behind me.

"She thinks she can keep them away from me? She's fucking crazy. I will see my brother and sister. I don't care if it ends with her dead. I will not let them go with out fight." I snapped, and I didn't hear a word come from Calum.

I walked up on his porch and straight to my room, closing the door and pulling my phone out right away.

I called the Sheriff, and I really hope he knows what I can do.

Because if I can't see my siblings, I might just turn as crazy as my dad was.

It runs in my DNA after all.

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