26.) Party Time

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Pandora's P.O.V

Ever since we got back to the house, everyone have been staring at me and Ashton the whole time.

I have a feeling they know something is going on between us. I mean, we did make it kind of obvious at graduation earlier.

"How does it feel to be free?" I asked Ashton and he smiled at me.

"It feels pretty good to know that I never have to go back in that building again. To much drama, and way to many bad memories are permanently burned into my mind because of the people in that school." Ashton said.

"Tell me about it! That last four years of my life have been a living hell thanks to that place. I couldn't even escape it for five minutes when I got home either." I replied and Ashton looked at me with sad eyes.

I looked up at him and could see how sorry he felt for me. Honestly, the last thing I want is sympathy.

I wasn't at the beginning of all this, but now I am a firm believer of the quote everything happens for a reason. Including what happened to my mum, and what happened with my brother and sister.

I strongly do believe if it wasn't meant to be this way, then it wouldn't be.

"I'm so proud of you for making it through all of this." Ashton said.

"I almost didn't." I whispered and he just stared at me. He looked kinda confused.

"What do you mean you almost didn't?" He asked me.

"Well, everytime I was alone, I had horrible thoughts about what my life had become. I thought of so many ways I could just get away from here. I almost followed in my mum's footsteps because of how depressed I was." I explained and Ashton frowned at me.

He took ahold of my hand and our fingers intertwined. As he squeezed my hand in his I looked up to meet his Hazel eyes.

"What stopped you?" He asked me.

"You boys did. If it hadn't be for you four sticking by me, I wouldn't have made it more than a month without my family." I said confidently.

Ashton smiled at me, and without thinking of everyone watching us, he leaned in and placed his lips on mine.

After a few seconds we pulled away from eachother. I just stared into Ash's beautiful golden eyes for what seemed like forever, until it was broken by the sound of Michael coughing.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Maybe my home isn't so broken after all." I said and Mikey cocked his head to the side.

"Why's that?" Ashton asked me.

"Home is wherever you are."

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