18.) Finally

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Pandora's P.O.V

School the past few days has been great. Julie didn't say anything to me about my mum. She did talk to me yesterday just to make sure our deal still stood, and I told her it did as long as she kept her mouth shut about me.

Since out encounter, I haven't heard a new rumor about me. Not a single word from anyone.

"So Panda, how's the new life?" Luke asked me as I sat down at the lunch table.

"It's fucking great. No one has bugged me in days. So far, Julie is doing great." I explained with a smile and Luke smiled back at me.

"So, does any one else but us know about her and your dad?" Mikey asked, I shook my head.

I honestly didn't even know they knew, but I assume Luke told them so that they would know what was going on when we talked about it at school or when we are all together.

Otherwise they would just be confused as shit.

"I don't think anyone else knows. And if someone else does know, I didn't tell them." I said and Luke shook his head.

"I'm pretty sure she wouldn't tell anyone about that. I scared it out of her by threatening to tell everyone her biggest secret. That's not the one I knew, I honestly didn't even know she had a secret, but she obviously didn't know that." Luke explained and I just shrugged.

Lunch was pretty quiet again today. Over the past few weeks I was so used to people coming up to me with rumors or to apologize to me about my mum.

I didn't so much mind it when people came up and said they were sorry for my loss. I just hated it when people came up and asked how she did it, or what caused her to do it. That's stuff I'm not comfortable with talking about.

Then again, who really would be?

I don't think I can imagine anyone just casually talking about how their mother committed suicide.

It's not a casual conversation.

"Panda, would you change what you did the other night if it was anyone else?" Calum asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I honestly don't know."

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