3.) Insomnia

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Pandora's P.O.V

After watching four scary movies, getting a pizza, and ice cream, and talking about me fucked up life, here I am sitting awake by myself, while all the boys are fast asleep. It's nearly two-thrity in the morning and I can't, and don't wanna fall asleep.
I'm worried that if I fall asleep my parents will start fighting again and my siblings will need me. I wanna make sure I'm there for them.

I look around the room and I know I should wake someone so I can talk to them, but they all look so peaceful and I don't wanna wake them up.

"Pandora, why aren't you sleeping? It's way to late for you to be awake." I heard my dad's voice from the steps behind me.

"I can't sleep. Sorry I didn't realize I had a bedtime on a weekend." I whispered back, with attitude in my voice.

"Watch your tone. I am not beyond waking your buddies and making them all go home at three in the morning. Now go to sleep." He snapped loudly at me, probably waking the boys and my mum.

"Gladly if you and mum could shut up long enough for me to sleep. That would be great, thanks. Now get out of my room. I snapped back before flopping down on the floor pulling the blanket over my head.

I'm pretty sure I heard my dad mumble something about me being a bitch just like my mother, but I just ignored it because I'm scared of what he will do to me or my mum if I try and fight back against him.

"Panda?" I heard Ashton's voice whisper.

"Just go back to bed." I said, not moving out from under the blanket. I just closed my eyes and hoped for the best.

"Okay, well I'll be waiting if you change your mind and want to talk. Don't be afraid to wake me up. I'm always here." Ashton whispered back before the room fell silent again

As I lay here with my eyes closed, and tears threatening to fall, I realize my parents need to divorce soon or they are gonna kill each other. What's gonna happen to the kids? They are way to young to choose which parent they wanna live with.

Knowing my dad, he will probably try and take both kids away from my mum. I doubt he would get granted full custody because of his job, but the fact is he would still try, and that would put mum through hell.

What ever happened to the way they were when I was young? I remember when I was with them for both ultra sounds to find out I was gonna have a little brother, and then later a little sister. What ever happened to those parents?

Now they are gonna get a divorce, and my dad will take the kids away.

Unless, I can get to the first.

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