Prologue: Becoming a Creature of the Cold

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It was just past the stroke of midnight on Hunter's 18th birthday. In a few minutes, he will have to drink his cousin's blood and 'die' to become a vampire. As he awaits his new future and take on a new lease of life, he looked at himself in the reflection of the bathroom's mirror. By tomorrow night, he will become a creature of the cold. And the dark. His heart would stop beating. But the body can heal itself if it were to sustain any wounds. There will be the endless temptation and the desire to sink his fangs into someone's artery for the warm blood that it thirst. But being a vampire not only has its shortcomings, one will possess the strength and speed that a normal human being would not get to enjoy.

Hunter exited the bathroom and prepared himself for his fate. He dragged his feet to the enormous dining room of the family's mansion. His entire family tree have been vampires for centuries dating back since the 1600s. Every generation would be turned at the stroke of midnight on their 18th birthdays. Some were dead, presumably by a stake in the heart or driven mad by the blood lust to want to end their lives. Hunter did not want to become a vampire, he sees no joy in being one. So what if they can possess the immaculate amount of strength and a speed faster than lightning? Being a vampire means having to deal with the blood lust every single day without having the thought of ripping someone's head off. However this a tradition that the Graysons have to abide. From the time the first Grayson turned into a vampire, every single offspring and family were either born a vampire or were turned.

Upon approaching the dining table where the rest of his family were, he saw a glass goblet filled with a dark red liquid. Immediately he knew what it was. "Hunter, its time" his grandfather Vincent Grayson said. Hunter swallowed the lump in his throat and the unwillingness in the pit of his stomach as he reached out slowly towards the goblet. He brought it to his mouth and tilted it so that the thick rich blood flowed down his throat. He didn't stop until the goblet was drained of the last drop of blood before he set it down on the table and tried his best not to gag. Vincent smiled at his grandson before nodding curtly at Dominic Grayson, Hunter's cousin. Dominic stood behind Hunter and spoke:"See you tomorrow again my little cousin." and with that he placed both his hands on either side of Hunter's head and swiftly snapped his neck. Hunter fell to the floor, lifeless.


Author's note:

Hi guys, this is my first time writing so please don't mind my grammar errors. Im still learning and improving :)

^for someone to become a vampire, they have to die with vampire blood in their system.

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Also if you have any comments regarding my story, please do not hesitate to comment :)

-ZeeAnn ;)

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