Chapter 6: Biology

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She furrowed her eyebrows before extending her hand for a handshake and introduced herself. Her name was Janine and she agreed to have lunch with me. We headed towards the cafeteria and it was not as crowded as I think it would be, seems like most of the student preferred the canteen. We got in line and purchased our orders before settling down on one of the empty tables.

I stared at her as she took a bite of her chicken sandwich. I liked staring at her. She caught me staring and asked: "What? Is there something wrong?" . I decided to be honest and said :" No, its just that I really like staring at you." I smirked and started eating my ice cream waffles. She started a casual conversation and I grew more interested in her.

We were laughing about a funny incident of mine when I asked her, "Do you believe in vampires?" She wiped her mouth with a napkin before answering "Nope, I don't. I've always believed they were just mythical creatures and were passed off as bedtime stories to scare children. Why?"

"Nothing. I'm just really curious about them. Many researches have proven that they do exist and for all we know, they could be roaming around on campus grounds right now." I said. I meant it as a joke but she seem to take it too seriously as all she did was stare at me.

I continued, "When they bite, they wont stop until they have completely drained their victims of blood. I've heard that many patients at the hospital were suddenly pronounced dead when they were fine the day before. Turns out, they were attacked. One telltale signs are the bite marks, usually punctured holes on the neck."

She stared at me with her eyes widen, "Seriously?" she said in a dazed. I looked at the time on my watch and realised that we have 10 mins left to get to class. "Yeap, come on, lets go or we'll be late for class. I'm having Biology next. How about you?" She checked her schedule and said that she's having the same subject as me. 

Woohoo! At least I can still stare at her. 

We walked towards Block C which is where our lesson venue would be. We sat beside each other and took out the materials needed and soon enough, the teacher walked in. "Good day class! I am Mr Nick. Today we will be covering the topic Secretion, please turn your textbook to page 169." We did as we were told and I noticed Janine spacing out. I took her textbook which was on her table and flipped it to the designated chapter and placed it back on her table. She didn't even notice!

The lesson begun and I was so engrossed in taking down notes that I didn't realise Mr Nick had called Janine. I looked up and found her looking startled as she answered Mr Nick's question. "Its the process by which metabolic waste products and toxic materials are removed from the body Mr. Nick"

She forced a smile on her face and Mr. Nick turned his attention back to the white board. I nudged gently her using my elbow and mouthed "You okay there?".

She gave me a thumbs up before tuning her attention back to front. Its strange. Janine has been out of it ever since Bio started. In fact she was already looking dazed and spaced out when lunch ended. Was it because of the vampire theory I was telling her? But she said she doesn't believe in them. Whatever, I'll talk to her later and resumed taking notes.

*End of school*

The school bell chimed 4 times, signalling that school has officially ended. I stretched my arms out and looked over at Janine. She was packing her stuff with lightning speed and hurriedly stand up. I stood up and grabbed her wrist just as she was about to walk towards the door. "Hey where are you going?" I asked. "Um, I have something on. Its urgent?" she said. "Oh, but at least give me your number so I can contact you." I flashed her a smile and handed out my phone. She took it and swiftly pressed in her contact number before handing it back to me. "Thanks Quinn for being my friend, see you soon!" she waved and with that she bolted out of the classroom door, leaving me staring after her. 

I chuckled and begun packing my belongings and headed home. 



hey all! hows it like making a friend at your first day at school? :)

Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments ! :))


Zeeann ;)

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