Chapter 5: Her

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It was my first day at Welford High today. I arrived at school 15 minutes before class starts. I headed towards the office and retrieved my schedule. I glanced at the table and noticed that I had Chemistry first, followed by Mathematics and then a lunch break and lastly Biology. Each subject were at least 3hrs long.

God. 3 hours?! I thought to myself. The system education now is just so ...fucked.  I made my way over to the lockers and got out my chemistry textbook and calculator. I was walking through the hallways of Block A to get to Block B which is where my Chemistry lesson is held at. I heard rapid footsteps and looked up and nearly got run over by a girl. I dodged to the side just in time before she knocked me over and my eyes landed on her retreating figure.

She had donned all black except for her shoes which I assumed was timberlands because of the signature black strap across the back of the shoe.  Her blonde hair flew behind her as she quickened her steps and turned left, entering a classroom.  Even though it was just her back view, I could tell that she was very pretty.

I tore my gaze away and realised that the hallways was empty. I assumed that class was about to begin soon. I hurriedly head towards my destination and in no time I was in Block B. I looked for my classroom and saw that it was at the end of the hallway and I dashed in just as lesson was about to start. 

*Time Skip. Mathematics*

I headed towards the back of the classroom and plopped my bag down on one of the seats. I took out my textbook and notepad and began doodling on one of the empty pages. I looked up and saw a familiar figure entering the classroom. Its her. The girl that nearly knocked me down if I hadn't dodge in time this morning. 

She headed towards the seats in the front row and sat down. I stared at the back of her head. Wondering who she was. She shrugged her long blonde hair over her shoulder and begun to take out her textbooks. I wanted to go over to her and perhaps get her name or number when the teacher walked in. 

I huffed in annoyance and leaned back in my seat. Guess I'll have to do it during lunch time. The lesson started and I could already feel my eyes closing. Maths has always been a boring subject to me, like who uses the Factor Theorem in real life? 

[A/N I really hate maths. Any of you feel the same? -.-]

The bell chimed twice, its lunch break now. Thank god. My brain's gonna explode. I packed up my belongings and stood up and noticed that she was still seated in her seat. I walked towards her and she suddenly stood up and turned around, nearly bumping into me, again.

She looked up and I was lost in her brown eyes. Those orbs. They were big and shaped nicely. She had a petite face and small nose. Her pink lips were pulled into an O. But before she could say anything, I introduced myself. "Hey, I'm Quinn Drake. Wanna have lunch together?" 


Hi guys! So sorry that this chapter is quite short but I will make the next one more interesting :)

Any thoughts, just leave it in the comments :]

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