Chapter 4: Vampires don't exist, right?

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The bell chimed twice, signalling it was lunch break now. I was so thankful that Mathematics is finally over. The teacher had droned on about the Factor Theorem and had us working out sums for 3 hours straight. God, my brain hurts.

Students rushed out of the classrooms and headed downstairs to the cafeteria. I remained seated in my seat until all the students had left, leaving me alone. I reached for my bag and strapped it on my shoulder before turning around and almost bumped into someone's chest.

I looked up and saw a guy with dark brown hair. He was wearing a mint green shirt with black pants and had a scarf wrapped around his neck. He looked pretty hot. "Hey, I'm Quinn Drake. Wanna have lunch together?" he asked before smiling at me, showing off a perfectly set of white teeth. I smiled back and introduced myself, "Hey, I'm Janine. Janine Donovan Shon. Its nice to meet you. And sure. Cafeteria?" I extended my hand for a handshake and he took it. "Nice name gorgeous. Lets go." He winked at me and we headed towards the direction of the cafeteria.

There weren't many people here as most went to the canteen instead. We got in line and ordered. We picked up our tray of food and sat down at one of the empty tables. I took a bite of my chicken sandwich and noticed Quinn staring at me. "What? Is there something wrong?" I asked him. "No, its just that I really like staring at you." he smirked before digging into his ice cream waffles. I raised an eyebrow and we started off with a casual conversation.

We were laughing about him accidentally throwing a tennis ball at his teacher by accident and how he got detention for it when suddenly he asked, "Do you believe in vampires?"

I wiped my mouth with a napkin and replied "Nope, I don't. I've always believed they were just mythical creatures and were passed off as bedtime stories to scare children. Why?"

"Nothing. I'm just really curious about them. Many researches have proven that they do exist and for all we know, they could be roaming around on campus grounds right now." He said and I stared at him.

"When they bite, they wont stop until they have completely drained their victims of blood. I've heard that many patients at the hospital were suddenly pronounced dead when they were fine the day before. Turns out, they were attacked. One telltale signs are the bite marks, usually punctured holes on the neck."

"Seriously?" I replied, in a dazed. "Yeap, come on, lets go or we'll be late for class. I'm having Biology next. How about you?" He asked. I checked my schedule and noticed that I was having Bio too. "Oh same. Lab 2 of Block C. Lets go." I said and we headed towards Block C

Ever since what Quinn had told me about vampires, I've been feeling weird and out of it. I zoned out during Bio and couldn't help but wondered about my mother's death.

The doctor had said that the bug which had infected my mother with an unusual disease, had lead to her death. He had explained that the disease had caused my mother to bleed. And there was nothing they could do to stop the bleeding. Eventually, that night, she had bled to death half an hour before we arrived at the hospital.

I had remembered seeing punctured holes and bite marks on my mother's neck. And the way she had her eyes open, told me that her death was merely more than just a stupid disease infected by a bug.

Quinn's words rang in my ears. "bite marks, usually punctured holes on the neck..." I gulped. No. I thought to myself. Vampires don't exist. They cant be....

"Miss Donovan. Can you stop zoning and please give me the definition of excretion?" Mr. Nick, my teacher asked, snapping me out of my train of thoughts.

The entire class turned and looked at me. Waiting for my answer. "Um.." I swallowed before plastering on a smile and answered "Its the process by which metabolic waste products and toxic materials are removed from the body Mr. Nick"

"Thank you Janine. But I would really appreciate it if you could at least pay attention for the last ten minutes of my class." Mr Nick said before turning his attention back to the board.

I looked at time on the clock above the white board and it was ten minutes to 3.30pm. Wow, I practically zoned out during the entire lesson. I focused on the board and Quinn nudged me , "You okay there?" he mouthed. I gave him a thumbs up and turned my attention back to Mr Nick, wishing that he could hurry up and get this over and done with. Guess I have a lot of investigation to do tonight.


Author's note"

Hi! I hope you guys like this chapter anddddd, do you guys believe in vampires? xD

Leave your thoughts in the comments ! :))

ZeeAnn :)

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