Just Kill Me Then

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I hung my head low as I stood in front of my father in his study. 

He had seen the news  I presume. 

"Hunter, I had expected better of you."

Yeap, he definitely had seen the news. 

It was 9pm now. An hour ago there was a news broadcast of a man in his mid forties whom died of an assumably animal attack, his body was found in the back alley. 

That animal was none other than me. 

The memory of what happened just a few hours ago remained fresh in my mind. How the adrenaline and power surging through my veins as I attacked and drained that old man dry. My fangs automatically elongated as my memory revived back the scent and sweet taste of the blood.

"Hunter, are you listening?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and came back to reality. 

"Yes I am. I'm really regretful of my actions Father. I promise you I won't do it again."

"You really have to be careful Son. Today it was a cleaner, what if next time it was a vampire hunter? You'd be dead before you know it and it will be too late for any of us to save your ass."

Angered boiled in my blood as his words ringed in my ears. I just got turned. How can it be so easy for me to control my thirst goddamnit.

"Can you relax just a little? I just turned, how can you expect me to have enough self control just yet? And it was just one person that I've killed, what about you? How many hundreds of lives have you taken already in your pathetic 5 centuries of lifetime!"

"Shut Up Hunter!"

My Father screamed at me. He stood up and banged his fist on the table. He looked at me with anger prominent in his eyes. His features hard and stoic as he glared at me. 

"Dont talk to me like that. I'm your Father. I can kill you if I wanted to" He threatened me, venom dripping from his words.

"Just kill me then if you hate me so much!"

I shouted as I flung open the wooden doors and sped out the room and out of the house. Angry tears blurred my vision but I blinked them away.

Males dont cry.

And certainly male vampires dont.

I stopped when I reached the forest. My pupils dilated, adjusting to see in the dark. 

I slammed my hand on a tree, the force of it shaking it.

Leaves cascaded down, some landed on me while some landed on the floor, joining his withered friends. 

I sat down and leaned my back against the tree bark. Being a vampire heightens my emotions. And it was hard to control it when I was seeing red.

When it comes to my Father, I was his least favourite son, as well as the youngest. He'd always fawn over my older brothers and singing their praises as he wanted me to be like them. 

Oh hell no. 

My brothers were stupid. They let my Father controlled and brainwashed them into taking over his businesses which I have absolutely no idea of what it was. But I knew that it included some kind of a deadly prophecy. 


I was running down the hallway towards my parents room, eager to show my parents my test paper. I had scored a 90 for my maths and 85 for science.

Forbidden ThirstOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora