Chapter 8: I Killed Someone...

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We were still in the nightclub, enjoying the remaining of the night away. I had a blonde haired girl in my arms, her body leaning on me from the lack of energy. I had been feeding on her and I could feel her life force slowly fading and draining as I gulped in the blood.

I reluctantly pulled my mouth away from her petite neck and dragged her onto an empty couch. I laid her down on the plush red cushion before brushing her bangs back from her face. She had passed out and was now laying on the couch in a comfortable position. I pulled a man walking past by me and said "Stay by her and make sure no one harms her, you understand me?" He nodded, in a daze, before sitting down beside the laying figure. 

I had fed a lot tonight. Each draining them till their too weak to move on their own before stopping. Although I had control now, the bloodlust could still easily find its way to overtake me entirely. My vision redden again at the smell of someone's sweet blood. My eyes zoomed in on a dancing figure in front of me. She was wearing a red bandage dress that ended mid-thigh and rocking in black stilettos. She danced flawlessly and did a sexy body wave that had all the guys around her staring. 

She moved elegantly and gracefully, her long jet black hair moving behind her. She clashed her eyes with mine and winked at me before bending down, giving me a full view of her cleavage. I started towards her, unable to control what I was feeling now. She was incredibly sexy. My emotions are bit heightened as I'm literally high on blood and the feel to take her right there on the dance floor had me going crazy. 

I could hear her pulse beating despite the loud ass music blasting through the speakers. Her pulse throbbed as she continued dancing, the scent of her sweet blood clouded my senses. My fangs elongated, poking through my bottom lip. I could feel my gums aching, raw need for blood burned in my throat. 

I started towards her, my eyes trained on her every movement. Just as I was about to reach her, someone grabbed my arm, making me stop in my tracks. I sighed in annoyance and looked at the owner of the hand. It was Dominic. "Lets go, I'm having a headache from this place." I glared at him as he dragged me to the exit. Dammit, there goes my chance. I cursed under my breath. 

We exited the club and made our way to to the car. I didn't want to go back yet, I'm still high on blood and I wanted to do something else. I walked away from Dominic and strolled on the busy and brightly lit streets. The shops were packing up and closing up as it was getting late. I turned into a dark alley and bumped into someone. The man looked up and stared at me. He was in his late forties judging from the whites showing on his hair. He muttered a sorry before moving away from me.

I extended my arm, stopping him from walking away. "Not so fast perhaps." I smirked at him. I'm feeling dangerous now and felt like I could do anything I want. Including killing him now on the spot. My vision redden again and my fangs lengthened. I could hear his slow heart beat, pumping through those tiny veins. I glanced at his neck and noticed the slight throb of his jugular through his aged thin skin.  

Before I could stop myself or question my own actions, I pinned him against the wall and bit into his neck. Warm rich blood filled my mouth. The scent intoxicated me and I sank my fangs in deeper, drawing more blood. I pinned him harder against the wall , the blood driving me crazy. He writhed underneath me and screamed for help and struggled to push me away but he was so weak. I could feel his life force slowly draining away. His struggles stop as he leaned on me, feeling weaker and weaker as the seconds ticked by. I didn't stop until I took all of his blood, leaving him dry. 

"Hunter stop!" the man fell to the guy in a lifeless heap. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve, eyeing my cousin staring back at me in shock and amusement. "You drained him?! What the fuck is wrong with you, retarded piece of shit!" he cursed at me. He crouched down and tried to feel for a pulse but gave up when he couldn't. 

"Your Dad is going to skin you alive when he learns about this Hunter. Do you realise what you've done?"

I killed someone.

The realisation sank in. Holy. I killed someone. Just a day after I've turned. The blood drove me over the edge and I didn't realise that I had lost control. I sighed in annoyance and in defeat. I ruffled my through my hair and said "I lost control. I killed someone. What should we do with the body?" 

Dominic glared at me, his jaws clenched. "Cleaned it up, what else? Or we could just leave it and let it get discovered by someone." 

Suddenly we heard footsteps coming and it was a middle aged cleaner taking out the thrash. She stopped in her tracks whens she saw us. Her eyes widen when she took in the lifeless being on the floor.  Dominic pushed her against the wall before she could scream and spoke, "You called the police. You were taking out the thrash when you discovered a dead body in the back alley. You have no idea who did it and you were scared." the lady looked at the lifeless body on the floor and back to Dominic before she started crying and took out her phone. 

Dominic shot me a look and we fled out of there in a flash. 


omg guys I'm so sorry for the late update. These few days were sort of busy and didn't really had the time to update my story. Sorry!! ><

Anyways, hope you guys like this chapter ! :))


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