Two Different Poles : part 1

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Its been a week since I've been absent from school, the teachers who were aware of my predicament gave me sympathetic glances when they saw me. My form teacher had respected my privacy and did not inform the class about the reason for the absence. When I entered the class for History, the rest of my classmates suddenly grew quiet and stared at me. I was confused for a second, had I entered the wrong class? Why are they staring at me like that? Mrs Clea cant have told the class about...?

I ignored the stares of my classmates and went towards my desk. I sat down and took out my textbook and notebooks, determined to pay attention in class and not let anything else to distract me. Suddenly, I felt someone took a seat beside me.  I looked up and saw that it was a female classmate of mine. I don't know who she was seeing as I was absent for a week after only attending school for one day, which was on the first day. 

She gave me a warm smile and extended her hand out to me. "Hey! My name is Lio Jennie. Call me Lio. I hadnt got the chance to know you since the first day of school, and you were absent for a week. Nice to meet you." She looked at me expectantly and waited for my response. Her warm gesture took me by surprise and I could feel her sincerity. I forced a smile on my face and shook her hand. "Hey Lio, its nice to meet you. I'm Janine." 

"Hi Janine! I hope you are okay. The rest of us were really worried when the teacher told us that you were going to be absent from school from god knows how long! Its great that you're back!" she replied. 

"I'm fine. Thank you for your concern." I replied as warm as I could but in reality I just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. 

At this time, Mrs Clea walked in and the class officially began. 


I stood in front of the gates to the prestigious Welford High. 

Dominic had dropped me off 3 minutes ago and I was contemplating of skipping school already. Suddenly, my phone vibrated and it was a call from Dom. 

"Go in already, do you intend to become a statue?" Dom teased. I rolled my eyes and replied "Yes Mom. Remember to pick me up at 4." I cut the call and strode into the building. 

I was already late for my first class, History, not that I cared anyways. I slowly made my way into the designated classroom and knocked on the door. The teacher stopped what she was teaching and looked at my way. Confusion settled in her eyes before it lit up with realisation. 

"Oh, you must be the new student. Do come in." 

I plastered on a fake smile and walked in. The teacher introduced me to rest of the class and I bowed, before walking towards an empty seat at the back. As I strolled towards my seat, a familiar face stood out from my peripheral vision. I looked down and immediately recognised the girl from the encounter during the other night. She was staring at me in pure confusion and her eyebrows were scrunched up as she tried to remember that piece of erased information. 

I smirked and flashed her a wink before settling into my seat, which was 2 seats away from her right, diagonally. 

I took out the textbook needed for class and ignored the stares by my classmates, keeping my attention on the whiteboard and occasionally, her. 


hey guys im sososo sorry for the late update. Was busy preparing for my major exam and was so glad that its finally over!! Now i would hv more time to dedicate to my writing ! I apologise that this chapter wasnt rly long but I promise that it would be better the next one! :)

Do continue to support and vote for my story :) Will really appreciate it !! :D


Stay tune!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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