Chapter 1

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- Kenji - Eight Months Later


Im sorry I left with out a proper goodbye but I got a letter from my dad saying he was in Toronto and he wanted to see me ... After all the stuff he's done. He finally had the nerve to apologize. I hope you can find it in you to forgive me and understand why I had to leave. I had to see my father again, he needs my help and I needed to see him. I had to sneak away so no one would stop me from going. I don't know when or if I'll be back or if I'll ever see you again, but just know, I love you Kenji.



I dont know why I even kept his letter. I was rummaging threw my desk drawer trying to find my headphones when I stumbled across it. Its been eight months since Matt left that night and I just couldn't believe he really left me. I always expected him to walk through that door, pick me up and kiss me.

But he never did.

I wanted to rip it up that damn letter, burn it, destroy it but I could never bring myself to do so. I guess because it was the last thing I have to remember Matt. Sure I have photos of us but those just hurt more to look at. But why would I want to remember someone like him? The person who made me so happy and cared for me and made me feel like I actually meant something to someone but could so quickly turn his back and walk away.

I never really did find a way to forgive him. He just gets up and leaves and after everything my mom has done for him, after everything we all did for him, he repays us by leaving.

By leaving me.

Why would he do that? Why would he leave to find his dad? The person who he said he would never forgive for leaving him and his mom but yet he gets one letter, takes his stuff and just disappears.

I don't understand. I dont chose to and I dont want to.

He never tried calling me, not even once. I texted him and I called him but after my third try, Instead of hearing Matt's voice, a recorded voice saying his phone had been disconnected was all I heard through the speakers of the phone. Of course I got worried but I quickly learned how to not care.

Shoving his letter back into my drawer I felt my eyes starting to water. I finally excepted it. He's not coming back.

I rubbed my eyes, he's not worth it, I told my self. He's the one who left, the asshole that didn't care to talk to me but leave a pathetic letter expecting forgiveness.

Why would I want him back? Why would I want to see his face again? The face of the person who left me. Broke me. And could drop everything with out a care in the world to find the person who betrayed him.

He betrayed me.

I was right to be worried about him and who he was. I knew our relationship wouldn't last I just never pictured it ending like this. I never wanted it to end. I wish I listened to myself and never got wrapped around his little finger. But I couldn't help it ... I loved him.

But now. Mathew means nothing to me anymore and I hope to never see his face again.

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