Chapter 18 ~ Final ~

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- Kenji -

I watched as Drake climbed into his black Chevy Silverado truck, waved good bye and drove off down the driveway.

My mom said she was going to fire him due to all the drama that he caused, but he came up to her that night, just a little bit after I had come home, and said that he wanted to quit.

The next day he had all his stuff packed and ready to go. He rented a trailer for his horse Dexter, piled all of his belongings into his truck and they were on their way. He never did say where he was going but I'm hoping where ever he ends up working, he learns from his mistakes he made here.

Its going to be weird not seeing Drake around here anymore, though I'm not going to complain. It reminds me of how it used to be, just me and Mathew.

To think, it took me forever to get used to having Mathew around, then he left and I had to start that all over with Drake. And now he's leaving.

Im just hoping this isnt a recurring pattern and Drake ends up coming back, but if he's changed then maybe I would give him a second chance.

I did with Matt and I'm glad I did.

Since Drake left, Mathew finally got to move out from the loft and back into his old room in the house. Well more like move into my room, which personally I find to be a lot better. It makes it easier for me so I don't have sneak out in the middle of the night to run over to the barn to get some alone time with him.

Im not going to lie, I didn't mind Drake, he was a nice guy, an amazing horse back rider and was great with what he worked on, but I'm not really going to miss all the drama and fighting he's left behind. He made a lot of bad mistakes once Mathew came here, and I never understood or knew what his intentions were with the constant problems he caused between all of us but all I do know was, he was sorry for it.

He told me before he left, apologized for what he did.

I just wish It never happened.


After a few months had gone by, I sold Ghost to an old friend of ours, their daughter was a competitive shower and Ghost was the perfect horse for her. It was a hard decision, he was an amazing horse but he was bred for the show world. I wasn't.

But selling Ghost didn't stop my horse showing entirely. I started training again but with Shaymin, I re entered in the fall finale riding Shay, and lets just say, that horse was born to jump. We won the entire show, and there is now a lovely Red, first place ribbon hanging off his stall door.

In a couple more days, Ill be graduating high school, moving forward in life and maybe off to college. Im not really sure about my future so far but all I know is, Ill be spending it with Mathew.

~ End

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