Chapter 13

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- Kenji -

"Increase your legs!" Drake shouted.

I did as I was told increasing Ghosts speed by using more leg, ride every stride as my mom would say, bumping him with my heals as we headed straight for a cross rail and sailed clean over it.

Ghost definitely was an exceptional jumper but I feel there's something a little off about him.

"See that was much better this time." I slowed Ghost down to a steady trot then to a walk and brought him over to were Drake stood, leaning against the fence of the outdoor ring.

I gave Ghost a rewarding pat on the neck as I pulled on the reins to make him stop. "I find he doesn't really resect the jumps though."

"Its because there to low." Drake climbed over the fence and walked over to the cross rail me and Ghost just went over.

"What do you mean. To low?"

"Ghost was trained specifically for the sport of show jumping its what he was bred for." He said as he raised the jump and making it a vertical. "He's a lot more experienced then that washed up show jumper in there."

"Shaymin isn't washed up. Me and him won the last three competitions we entered in."

"Those were just local shows to get you enough points to enter in the Fall Finale, now that your entered, Shaymin wont get you in the winners circle, but this guy will." Drake came up to me and gave Ghost a pat on the neck. "You need to up your game a bit Kenji, your never gonna win if you dont take risks."

"But I've never jumped that high before."

"Just means you'll have even more experience to wipe our your competition. While you were training over more advanced courses you will have a higher chance of winning if you get in the jump off."

"I guess."

"Good now go around again and this time sit deeper in the canter you let your shoulders fall forward to much, you can lose your balance."

"What ever you say coach." I turned Ghost around and took him around the arena at a nice trot then transitioned into a smooth canter. Drake's teaching techniques were a lot different from my moms, he offered to train me so I agreed but he moves to fast and pushes me a lot harder then my mom ever did. Obviously Drake has had more show experience then I have so he knows just what it takes. He's just trying to push me to be the best I can be. I just have to put faith in him. And my horse.

As I headed towards the first few jumps Ghost cleaned them with air to spare, we came up to the combination and cleared it like it was nothing, but when we came towards the last fence my heart was racing and I felt my self tense up.

My tension went straight from me right through to Ghost and he started to stiffen up, his Canter felt off and his stride was slower, I kept trying to increase my legs like Drake told me but it was no use, When we reached the fence Ghost refused and stopped right in front it.

I heard Drake sigh as he walked over to me, I kicked my feet out of the stirrups and dismounted. "What was that? It was a complete mess!" He shouted. "If you pull back on the reins when heading towards a jump you will teach him to refuse."

"I'm sorry I just got nervous."

"And whats gonna happen when you get nervous at the show huh? Your just gonna through the whole competition."

I don't understand why Drake was so mad. "No, I told you I never jumped that high I was just-"

"Being pathetic." He said interrupting me.

"Hey!" I looked over and saw Mathew standing by the arena fence. "Leave him alone alright."

"Just stay out of it." Drake said to him, then turned back to look at me "Now get back on that horse and take him around again."

"I think I'm done training for the day." I collected Ghosts reins and started walking him to the gate to leave the arena and back to the stable.

"Your not gonna get any better." Drake said to me but I just ignored him and kept on walking.

Mathew opened the gate for me and I lead Ghost out.

"What's his problem." He questioned me.

I sighed. "Nothing its just his way of training."

"Thats not training, thats being a fucking asshole."

I stopped walking and looked at him, taking off my helmet. "Like Drake said, just stay out of it."

I heard him laugh and shake his head. "What ever Kenji. Just let him throw you around all he wants." And he walked away.

Drake's teaching methods aren't always the best and he can use some harsh words but he knows better then Mathew would, he's been horse showing his whole life. Drake obviously knows whats best for me, so why would I listen to Mathew?

The last time he came to a horse show, he ended up leaving for eight months afterwards.

Besides, Drake knows what he's doing, so what could go wrong?

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