Chapter 3

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- Kenji -

"Man do I hate school." I sighed to myself, I sat at the kitchen table trying to do homework for my Anthropology class but I was so bored I couldn't focus.

My mom always tells me I have to finish any homework before I can go riding but it feels like I've been sitting here for centuries.

Don't get me wrong, I loved this class and my teacher, not in a creepy way of course, but homework was just not my cup of tea. I'd rather do the work in class and I normally do but I've just been so distracted lately with my birthday coming up I got nothing done.

Most people are excited for their birthday, but not me. When I was younger I would go on and on about how I couldn't wait to grow up and live on my own and even one day have my own big horse stable, but now the thought just terrifies me. Im turning 18 in three days and as much as I want to grow up, I don't.

I mean theres so much stuff you need to know that school doesn't teach you, they should really have a "Life Class" because I don't know how to balance a cheque, pay bills, insurance or do taxes.

Instead of teaching us how to write short stories in english or figure out what the sine law is for a triangle in math they should teach us stuff that will actually benefit our future. I cant be the only one that thinks this right? School doesn't prepare you for life, and that's why Im afraid to grow up.

I decided to say fuck it and not worry about my homework and and to stop stressing my self out. The project I'm working on isn't due till next Monday anyways and Im cutting into my riding time by just sitting here doing nothing.

I put my binder and books back into my bag, shoved on a pair of my riding boots and headed over to the barn to tack up Shaymin and take him for a ride. I figured my mom would check to see if my homework was done but since she's not here I can get away with it this time.

I got to the barn, took Shay out of his stall, groomed and tacked him up and took him to the indoor ring for a ride. I had the jump course still set up and after I warmed up Shay and did some Canter work I took him over the course.

Its like Shay could read my mind, he knew exactly where I wanted to go and sailed over the jumps effortlessly, he loved to jump and so did I.

When we cleared the last fence I gave him a big pat on the neck to let him know he did good, and let him cool out.

"You two are looking good."

I jumped suddenly unaware that Drake was watching from the arena doors. "I bet I could still beat you at a jump off." I said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah? Then we'll just have to see about that." Drake chuckled. "So I know that your birthday is this Friday, I uh wanted to see if you were interested in going out with me? You know for your birthday." He awkwardly scratched the back of his head and chuckled.

I was sort of confused. He never really seemed interested in wanting to take me out anywhere before, on his day's off he would always go out with his friends so why would he waist it taking me out somewhere? And for my birthday? He's only known me for eight months, it's a pretty big gesture.

"Umm." I said awkwardly. I really wasn't sure what to say. "Where would we go?"

"I could take you out to eat if you wanted, or maybe to a movie?"

I thought about it for a while and decided to agree. "Sure that sounds nice." I said with a slight smile.

"See you Friday then." He said, returning a smile, he then walked away and headed back to the house.

I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea, It would help me get to know Drake better and spend some time with him, though I found it kinda weird that he just suddenly asked me out but I wouldn't say its a date just a friendly gesture.

As much as I will admit, Drake is really cute, I still don't think I'm ready to date yet, I don't even think he intended it to sound like a date because I know Drake is your typical ladies man but even after everything that happened with Matt I'm not going to take any chances. I don't like Drake in that way, I don't know if its because I know he likes girls, or because, deep down I still have feelings for Mathew ...

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