Chapter 17

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- Drake -

"Larissa. There's a police officer at the door, he's hear to talk to you about Kenji." She immediately put down her knife, grabbed a dish towel to wipe her hands and went over to talk to Officer Lamson.

"Hello Officer." I watched as she shook his hand.

"Evening ma'am, my name is Officer Lamson, I came here to talk to you about the report you put in about your son who went missing last week." She silently nodded her head. "I would like to inform you that we have found your son."

"Oh my gosh." I saw the happiness in her eyes as they started to water. "Thank you."

"We found him parked on the side of the highway, sleeping in his car, I brought your son here, he's still waiting in the back of my patrol car but we will have your son's car brought to you tomorrow."

"Thank you so much Officer." She gently dabbed the dish towel under her eyes to get rid of her tears.

"Of course, would you like to see your son." With out even needing to ask that, we all followed the Officer out to the drive way, he approached his car and opened the door for Kenji to step out.

"Hi mom." He said quietly as Larissa ran up to hug him, Samara did the same.

"Where were you, you had us worried sick."

"I just needed some time to myself."

"Hun don't ever do that again." She said releasing him from her grip.

"Or at least pick up your phone next time genius." I saw Kenji smile a bit at his sister snarky remark. I couldn't help but feel not only happy but sort of upset. I was glad Kenji's back, he wasn't hurt or in any trouble but now that he's here I know I have to leave, this was the best job I had and I completely ruined it. All cause of my stupidity.

"Kenji!" I looked over suddenly when I heard Mathew calling Kenji's name, he quickly ran up to him, picked him up in a hug. "Where the fuck where you!"

"I uhh. Just went for a little drive." He chuckled. Mathew put his hands on Kenji's waist and kissed him, I guess they sort of forgot that there was a group of people standing around watching.

Officer Lamson then cleared his throat. "I best be on my way, and you young man, better stay out of trouble." He said with a little grin towards Kenji after him and Matt stopped kissing. I noticed myself smiling.

Larissa chuckled. "We'll let you two have your moment."

As we all walked away, officer Lamson got back into his car and left and we let Kenji and Mathew be alone. My smile started to fade as I looked back and saw them kiss again. Kenji's hands wrapped around Mathew's neck while he placed his hands on Kenji's waist and pulled him closer. I never had feelings for Kenji but just seeing how much I tried to ruin their relationship and all for what?



When all they wanted was to be together.

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