Chapter 5

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While the party continued on late into the evening Larissa was sitting in the kitchen to get away from the loud music and even louder teenagers that crowed the living room. She grabbed a glass of water and sat at the table, sighing to herself over the fact that Kenji's own father didn't even show up to his son's eighteenth birthday.

Larissa and her husband divorced a couple years ago after Mark complained that horse showing was waisting their money and tearing the family apart. It was his call and he walked out but she knew it was about more then just that, she knew it had something to do with Kenji and how he came to them explaining his liking to the same gender when he was rather young but any time Kenji questioned that, she denied it, told him it wasn't his fault his father left.

Truth be told It wasn't, but it pained her to know that it was part of the reason. Instead of Kicking out our son, Mark left instead and he never turned back. As for the horses, he was never a big fan of them, even when we were dating he knew I was a horse person but he hated the constant horse shows, the vet bills, the farrier costs. He hates how we always spent so much money on the horses.

Though not having much contact with Mark, Larissa still thought to invite him to Kenji's birthday but never heard a response back. She was disappointed more then mad, knowing the father of his two children wont even wish them a happy birthday.

Larissa never told Kenji she invited him, she wanted it to be a Surprise if he did show up, but seeing as he didn't she was glad she didn't mention it.

When she took a sip from her glass the phone suddenly started to ring. Putting her drink down she got up from the table to answer the call.

"Hello?" She questioned to the unknown caller.

"I need help."

"Who is this?"

"It's Mathew."

"Mathew?" She questioned, surprised to hear from him.

"Please I need your help."

"What happened?"

"My dad wasn't who he said he was. He used all the money we had to enter into some stupid poker game betting on more then he had, he fucking lost and reused to pay it. His friends came after us, they finally found us and took everything. I know I left but I had no one else to turn to." His voice cracked on the other line, desperation and pleading filled his voice.

"Where are you?" She questioned, grabbing a pen and paper. She quickly wrote down Mathew's location, hung up the phone and got into her truck.

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