Chapter 7

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- Kenji -

I was Mad. Upset. Shocked. Confused.

Why would she bring him here? After everything he did and she still let him come back.

"No." I said shaking my head and ran back into the house, leaving Drake, my mom and the asshole outside in the cold. I didn't want to be upset over him, not when all these people are here, tonight was supposed to be a fun night with my family and friends to celebrate my birthday, but he just had to ruin that to.

Seems he has a habit of that.

"Kenji." I heard my mom call for me, but I didn't want to talk to her. She knew what he did, she knew how it hurt me but she still let him come back. "Kenji listen me."

She grabbed my arm and stopped me. "Why did you let him come back." I looked into her eyes as I felt my own eyes start to water, I tried to hold it back. Do you know how hard it is, to come face to face with the person that hurt you, the person that broke your heart and left.

"Kenji..." My mom sighed, pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry."

I pushed her away. "You should be." I walked into my room and closed the door.

I don't want her sympathy and she doesn't deserve my forgiveness.

I dont care if I sound like a selfish child right now, she had no reason to bring him back here I dont care what shit he may have been caught up in but he made his choice and he left, and she still forgave him for that. I can't.

I want to yell and scream and punch the wall. I wanted to slam the door and pull my hair out I was that angry but I knew if I made a scene like that at whats supposed to be my party it wouldn't be fair for everyone to have to witness that. It would be embarrassing.

I guess I really did have a reason to be worried about my birthday. I just got the worst birthday present you can get.

My ex boyfriend standing on my door step.

He not once had the decency to call me, or come visit or even tell me goodbye. Eight months he left and with out a trace. How could someone do that? Just leave and not look back with out any regret.

And now he's here...

Deep down I know I still love him and as much I can try to deny it, I'm happy to see him again but at the same time I'm not. Not after what he did. I had eight months to get over him but I never could and now he's standing right outside my house.

What am I going to do..?

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