Chapter 14

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- Mathew -

As much as I have been trying to get on Kenji's good side he's really getting on my last nerve lately. He just lets Drake walk all over him and push him around and it pisses me off but when I try to stick up for him he basically is telling me to fuck off but in nice way, being as its Kenji.

Everyday Drake has him out training, the minute he gets home from school, I can tell Kenji is exhausted and every day Drake treats him like shit, calls him pathetic and even one point made him burst into tears yet Kenji still lets him get away with it and does everything Drake tells him to do.

He has no spine. He cant stick up for himself.

And as much as I know its wrong I just let it happen. I've tried helping him before but he refuses or ignores me, he obviously doesn't want it so why waist my time and effort? I'm giving him what he wants which is me to stay the fuck out of his life but I cant help but think ... but know, Im doing the wrong thing.

Its like sitting by and watching someone getting tormented and bullied, you know its wrong but you don't have the guts to do anything to stop it. In my case I wouldn't care, I'd walk right up to Drake and tell him off but Kenji doesn't want me to, he wants me to stay away from him and thats what makes him happy, but at the same time he's miserable.

I feel like I have to watch Drake all the time. He's been acting so different and I don't know why, he always used to be so nice and kind to Kenji and now he's treating him like he's worthless. Sort of like ... how I used to. But what changed with him?

"Come on Kenji pull your self together!" I walked out the barn to watch Kenji training, he seemed to be doing amazing from my view but of course nothing is ever good enough to Drake as he continued to yell at him.

Kenji finished the course and brought Ghost to a halt and I watched as Drake stormed over to him. "No take him around again."

"Can I take a break we have been at this all day and I still have homework to do."

"Not till you get it right now go."

I saw the look of discomfort and defeat on Kenji's face but he obeyed and took Ghost back around the arena and over the course.

I walked up to the fence to watch Kenji, I could see how tense he was, the look on his face showed he was uncomfortable and exhausted.

"Faster Kenji! Your not gonna clear it at this rate." Drake yelled. "Get his fucking head straight!"

When Kenji approached the last jump I could tell he felt defeated.

Just as they were nearing the fence I noticed Kenji lost his left stirrup throwing him off balance, though it happened so quickly it felt as if time stopped. Ghost went to go over the fence, Kenji fell forward onto his neck, trying to keep from falling but his efforts had failed and he fell forward over Ghosts shoulder landing on the poles of the jump, taking them down and pulling Ghost's bridle off with him.

I quickly jumped the over fence and ran over to him, Drake followed as Ghost cantered around the arena bucking and spooked.

"Kenji are you okay?" I asked extremely concerned, he used me as support to sit himself up and hold his left wrist in obvious pain. "Whats your problem, he told you he wanted to stop and you kept pushing him." I yelled at Drake who stood behind me.

"He needs to keep going or he won't learn any other way, you fall off you get right back on." 

"Im fine, okay." Kenji said as he struggled to remove his helmet.

"See hes perfectly fine, everyone falls off, it just makes you a better rider."

I looked at him with an angry expression, he honestly doesn't know when enough is enough. "He wants to stop, he's not getting back on that damn horse tonight."

"He's just going to fail at that competition at this rate."

"Your a dick you know that."

"At least I dont suck them."

That was the last straw that set me off. I got up and tackled him to the ground. With bruit force, I held Drake down as I landed punches on him.

He managed to flip me off balance and get on top of me, this time the one to be dishing out the hits.

"Stop it!" I heard Kenji yell at us. I wasn't going to stop, I wasn't stopping till his face was black and blue. I put my one arm on his chest to give me leverage, decking him on the side of his face, his nose was gushing blood and I took this is my opportunity to get him back on the ground and finish this.

"Get off of him!" I felt Kenji grabbing my arm as he tried to pull us apart but with out realizing it I hit him making him fall backwards.

Thats when I heard his mom come yelling at as.

"Both of you! Enough!" She yelled, grabbing the back of my shirt pulling me off of Drake separating the two of us. "What the heck is going on! I come out the see how Kenji's training was going to see a horse running lose around the arena and you two boys wrestling each other on the ground. This is un expectable!" 

I have never see Larissa so mad before and to be honest she was pretty intimidating when shes mad.

"Mathew maybe this was a mistake. I told you both to put your differences a side but seeing as I cant leave you two alone long enough with out there being a fight or some type of conflict maybe its time for you to go."

Is she saying this is my fault? Is she trying to kick me out?

"Mom it wasn't Mathew's fault." Kenji then spoke up.

"Kenji what are-"

"Shut up." He said interrupting Drake. "Look if there's anyone to blame here its me, I said something I shouldn't have and it just blew out of proportion but don't take it out on Matt." I knew he was lying, right through his teeth, we all knew except Larissa, me and Drake said nothing as we let Kenji take the blame for what we did.

"What has gotten into you Kenji? You've kept yourself so isolated, your always angry with me and now you do this." She sighed disappointedly and I felt the guilt way over my shoulders.

"Larissa wait." I couldn't let him take all the blame non of it was his fault to begin with.

"No, mom look, I'll take any punishment you want to give me but can we deal with this later, I have to take care of Ghost."

"Fine. When your done we need to have a talk." She then turned away and walked off.

Drake stood himself up using his shirt to wipe away the blood that was dripping from his nose. "Kenji look-"

"Drake I dont care what you have to say, go get my damn horse and put him back in his stall."  Speechless, Drake did as he was he told. I watched as he limped over to wear Ghosts bridle lay in the dirt and walk up to the gelding, threw the reins around his neck and led him out from the arena.

I turned to look at Kenji who was watching Drake handle his horse. "Why did you take the blame?"

He looked over a me. "Because I knew my mom told you guys get along for my sake, seeing you two fighting would send her over the line. She would have kicked you out when it wasn't your fault to begin with." He said to me in a soft calming tone.

"But it wasn't yours either."

"I know, but Drake would never admit to what he did and ... I don't want you to have to leave."

"But you hate me, you've wished I was gone from day one." I looked at him as he stood there, not frozen in place but just calmly, I couldn't read his expression.

He walked up to me, coming so close to were I could almost feel his body pressed against mine. He softly brought his hand up and delicately traced his fingers over my bruised cheek. "But I've missed you." He said softly, before pulling me into a kiss that I've wanted for so long but I didn't deserve.

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