Chapter 15

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- Mathew -

He shouldn't have kissed me. And I shouldn't have kissed him back.

What was I thinking? Why did I let him?

The fact that Kenji has been ignoring my presents since the moment I got here, you would think I would be happy that he talked to me, let alone  kissed me. But I'm not.

I still love Kenji, so much to the point that I would get "I Love Kenji" tattooed across my forehead so that not even he couldn't miss it. But why am not happy?

Its because of Drake, because of what happened, because I let Kenji get punished for what we did ... because I left him.

Me and Drake haven't gotten along since the start but that doesn't mean I Should let it effect mine and Kenji's relationship. I don't know why but I keep tripping myself out over the fact that maybe Kenji just put on that act and kissed me for my sake.

Drake keeps getting into my head and it's driving me nuts.

It's not like I could sit down and have a decent conversation with the guy with out someone starting a petty argument. All I need him to do it give us some space and lay off Kenji so I have some time to sort all this shit out with out him putting stuff into Kenji's head.

He knows something about us and he's trying his damn hardest to get rid of me.

- Kenji -

"Lemme talk for a sec would you."

"Okay what?" I scolded. After the whole incident last night everyone has been acting weird lately. Drake is following me around like a lost puppy and Mathew. I don't even know whats going on with him anymore.

"Alright look." Drake insisted on talking to me saying he had something important he needed to discuss but personally I just wanted him to leave me alone. "I know about you and Mathew." He said to me "How you guys dated. He told me yesterday when he came into the barn after you went to talk to your mom and I saw you guys kiss, I questioned him about it and he said that he had no idea why you kissed him. He told me you guys went out but it was nothing more then a petty relationship, when he left he took it as he excuse to leave you. He didn't come back for you Kenji."

I stood there and stared at him. Sort of appalled. "Why do you think I would ever believe anything you have to say about him."

"Kenji its what I heard."

"Bullshit. You guys have hated each other from the start, your just starting shit like petty high school drama to cause problems between us. Is that all anything is to you. Just a joke so you can get a good laugh?"

"That's not what Im trying to do Kenji just hear me out."

"No Drake." Is he really that low of a person? "I know Mathew wouldn't have said that."

"Fine. Go ask him yourself. Then We'll know who was wrong after all." And he stormed out of the room.

Mathew wouldn't of said that right? Of course not, why of all people would he talk to Drake about us. But how did he know we were together..?

Sighing, I headed over to the barn to talk to Mathew my self and prove Drake is wrong.

I walked up the stairs to the loft, quietly knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"Who is it?" Mathew questioned.

"Um its me, I just wanted to talk to you for a second." I slowly opened the door to his room as I spoke softly. 

"Yeah of course, come in."

I walked in the room awkwardly and stood in front of Matt. I don't know why I felt so nervous. I took a breath and finally decided to ask him what I came for. "Look I just wanted to know. Why did you come back?"

He sighed and sat down on his bed. "Ill be honest with you Kenji, I got into some really deep shit with my dad, I thought he had changed but he lied about everything. One spilt second later and everything went to hell, next thing I knew I was kneeling on the ground with hand cuffs on my wrists. I knew I never finished my probation, the officer said I was looking to do up to 10 months in jail for a crime that was considered gambling would only keep me for 20 days. I called your mom as a last resort I knew she would help me, she bailed me out and we came back here."

Listening to his story honestly I didn't know what to think anymore. I felt my eyes well up with tears, I wanted to hear him say he came back for me, not that he got arrested and it was his last resort option.

"Kenji." I felt Mathew put a hand on the side of my face but I pushed it away. "Kenji talk to me okay."

"I knew you never came back for me. You never cared did you!" I shouted "Drake was right." I quickly turned away and ran out of the room. I didn't want to talk to him, not to anyone.

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