Top of the Class

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Chapter Seventeen

Top of the Class

6 weeks later

Kota's POV:

I led the cadence "Left, right, left, right, left, right, left. Fightin' Falcon and a Russian Bear." I loved being out on these runs. In the morning. "Just give me my M-16! Cause I'm a lean, mean Air Force fightin' machine!" I wasn't going to leave the company to do basic without us. Gabriel, Charles, and Jihoon weren't going to either. We couldn't do everything with them all the time because of flight school, but we did everything we could with what time we had. The four of us had become a unit unto ourselves. Don't get me wrong. We got to know each of our guys as much as possible, and I had to say that Gabriel really surprised me. He was always incredible and surprised me in many ways, but he had taken on a leadership role like a second skin. I was very proud of him. Jihoon and Charles were equally surprising. From what I learned from them, they did everything we did as Academy, but without the funding and favors. Louisville, Kentucky, was a rough city. They ran through several counties doing as much as they could. On top of it, Fort Knox wasn't too far away, and apparently it had been targeted several times by military strikes. When we got with all of this, I wanted to invite them to our place.

Training was over for us for the day. Time to hit the showers and then off to our last day of basic flight school.

We are on our way to the flight deck with everyone, the four of us in a line. "Oy, guys. Last day!" Gabriel says excitedly, as he slaps me on the back.

"I am aware Gabriel." I am excited as well.

Charles has a big grin as well. "Y'all don't even know how excited I am. Jihoon has been wanting to let loose a little."

"I can speak for myself Charles. How about a little game after this?" Jihoon says to us.

"Oy, what are the odds this time? You just barely won the last time."

"No bet, just want to let off some steam. But if you want to make a bet."

"Hold up." I said, putting my hand up, stopping them. Higher ranks were passing through. We each saluted as they walked by. Then fell in line. All talks of bets and blowing off steam forgotten.

We stood in front of our front row seats. As everyone fell in. Major Underwood stood in front of the whole of us that had been in this class. "You may be seated. I know you have all been waiting for this day. Usually basic flight school takes twice as long, but you are all a special test group. And as I thought, you passed through amazingly. As I call out names, and assignments, please come up and grab your papers, then return to your seats."

At first I thought he was going through rank, then I realized it was just random, although we were the highest rank in the class of 100. Finally, we were the final four. Coleman, Lee, Kwon, Whitt, please stand. There are a few things we need to take care of here. The first acknowledgement, you four had the absolute highest scores we have seen in many decades. And considering the amount of technology that has been added, that is saying a lot. You four get a choice as to your specialty school.

I stepped forward. "What is the quickest way to end the war, Sir?"

"Well, that would be to keep the Russians from being able to continue the war."

"If I am understanding you correctly, Sir, It would be to target their bases and then stop all prepared and possible nuclear strikes."

"Well, yes."

I looked over at the three standing with me. We seemed to understand each other. Total trust. "We wish to be bombers, Sir."

"As you wish. Now, each of the four of you have shown exemplary conduct, and leadership these past six weeks. Even though you were waved going through basic, you still made it a part of your day, leading the boys who are still out there through as much as possible. You have earned another bar." He walked up to each of us pinning it to our lapels, and saying our new titles out loud. "First Lieutenant Coleman. First Lieutenant Lee. First Lieutenant Kwon. First Lieutenant Whitt. Congratulations."

We saluted Major Underwood as he saluted us back. "Everyone in here, listen up. You have five days leave. I suggest you tell your loved ones an extra special good-bye. Once you enter your specialty school, you will head straight into battle. Dismissed"

"Oy! We get to go see Sang and our brothers!"

"What about you guys?" I asked Charles and Jihoon.

Jihoon answered. "Well, honestly, we don't have families to go back to. So we were going to stay on base."

"Fu*k no. Absolutely not. You're coming home with us."

"I have to agree. I mean, you know our living situation. We have neighbors, well extended family that are the same. We would love to have you home with us."

"Sure. But only if we're not imposing. After all, we have heard stories." Charles said with a wide toothed grin.

We laughed. I was glad to add these guys to my family.

Charles Whitt, Jihoon Kwon, Christopher Jacobs, Major Underwood


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