Jonah Clarke Is Flirtatious

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It's eight o'clock on Friday night when Daniel receives a text from Jonah. It's not very detailed but that's not to say that it doesn't grab Daniel's attention.

From: Mr Amazing

Come round.

Daniel isn't entirely sure what that invitation entails but he's sure as hell taking Jonah up on it. Ever since Daniel last went round to Jonah's things between them have been strange. There have been soft brushes of hands under tables during lessons and secretive glances over lunch but there's been no move to make anything that happened public.

Daniel knows that that's not the most important thing, but that doesn't mean that he's not slightly hurt that Jonah is intent on keeping this a secret. And so Daniel is determined that the two of them need to sort this whole situation out before it gets seriously out of hand.

To: Mr Amazing


Half an hour later and Jonah still hasn't replied so Daniel decides that he might as well just head over there. It's not the shortest walk but Daniel manages it in a reasonable time, tugging his jacket closer to his body as the cold breeze surrounds him.

Daniel can hear the music before he even sees Jonah's house. It's a thumping rhythm and for a brief moment Daniel feels like the ground is shaking beneath him. He knows his knock won't be heard over the noise but he tries anyway. When no one replies, he pushes the door open cautiously to reveal the chaos inside.

Jonah is nowhere to be seen but the corridor is crowded. Sweaty bodies pressed uncomfortably close to one another. Most are just talking, some dancing, and Daniel can see a couple making out in the corner.

Making his way towards the kitchen, Daniel keeps an eye out for Jonah. Already wanting to kill the boy for luring him here. Parties are not Daniel's thing, not that he's ever been to one before. But he can't imagine that it's a place he'll fit in, he's never been the most outgoing person ever and people being drunk can't help that situation.

It's Ruth that Daniel spots first, she's desperately trying to stop someone from doing body shots on the kitchen counter.

"Hey Ruth," Daniel says.

She looks up briefly when she hears his voice before looking back down and then doing a double take.

"Daniel?" She says, as if she's not sure it's really him. "Don't say you were in on this too?"

"In on this?"

"I got home from work ten minutes ago to find everyone crowded in the house, I'm going to kill Jonah when I find him."

"So I'm guessing you don't know where he is?"

"If I did then you'd be looking for a dead body."

Daniel lets out a nervous laugh.

"Well I'm gonna go find him," Daniel says, starting to back away.

"Tell him I'm looking for him."

"Will do," Daniel calls over his shoulder.

And so the search continues. Daniel is forced to push through throngs of people before he spots Jonah. The boy is stood on a table downing a row of shots as people stand and watch. Daniel isn't sure what's up but he's sure it can't be good.

Daniel isn't sure what to do. There's a possibility that Jonah wasn't even the one who texted him, and that scares Daniel more than it probably should.


All it takes is the sound of Daniel's voice to make Jonah's head whip round in shock. He cocks his head to the side and stares for a few moments before hopping down off the table and making his way towards Daniel.

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