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Lin stood at the end of the dinner. His guards stood at attention, awaiting his orders. My family and I got to our feet as well.

"I am afraid it is time for me to go. I have other things I must attend to." He walked out of the dining hall to the foyer with us following him.

Father bowed and kissed the jewel on one of Lin's rings. "Thank you for joining us for dinner; I hope everything was satisfactory to Your Majesty?"

Lin smiled, his eye flicking over to me. "Yes, it was. You have a beautiful family, Tavor. Here is a bit of compensation as an apology for scheduling this last minute."

He dropped a small pouch filled with coins in my father's hand. Father bowed once more, muttering countless thanks. Lin shook Zane's hand while the latter bowed.

"I will recommend you for the Royal Guard Training Program," he promised for the third time. I was beginning to wonder if he was lying.

"Thank you, Your Grace. I am grateful." Zane answered, expression blank but his lips fighting off a smile.

The king moved to me and Mikayla. He kissed her hand and said something about her beauty once more before turning to me. Like with Mikayla, he took my hand and pressed his lips to my knuckles. His lips were warm and dry.

"My dear, it was a privilege to have you seated at my side. I am certain we will see each other soon."

A strained smile crossed my mouth as I curtsied. "It was an honor to sit at the King's side. I live to serve you."

"Such a dear," he cooed. "Tavor, I will see you tomorrow. I bid you all a good night."

With that, he swept out of our house. I breathed easier and slouched, my back aching from keeping it so straight. Father went to me, his face blank.

"The king has taken a liking to you. He may begin courting you." He said nothing more, moving past me to go to his room.

"I do not know why; he was complimenting my beauty." Mikayla huffed.

I hoped this would not create a wedge in our relationship. Mikayla was used to demons fawning over her and to be snubbed by a king for her mousy twin? I could only imagine the indignation she felt.

I sat to take my shoes off and muttered, "You can have him."

Zane loosened his tie, "That was all very awkward, and I hope to Lucifer it does not happen again. I am going to get Malus."

As he went to go outside, I called, "Bring Hound, too. I will be up in my room."

Mikayla and I went upstairs, not saying a word to each other as we closed our doors. I struggled out of my dress and into a comfy frock. I heard rapid footsteps and opened my door as Hound zipped in, immediately hopping onto my bed.

I gave him a halfhearted glare. "Honestly, Hound, can you not wait until I am settled first?"

He wagged his stubby tail in response. I rolled my eyes and sat beside him, reaching over to my nightstand to grab my book. He curled up beside me and rested his head on my lap. His body was warm. His collar, embedded into his neck like it was a part of him, was cool against my hands as I positioned my book on top of his head. His bright eyes closed, and he gave a large sigh of contentment.

I was bothered by Lin's attention on me during dinner and Father's approval of it. I hoped he was not considering me for a bride; Mikayla would be a better option than me. More or less because she lusted for that kind of power. I would rather just float by with what I have than claw my way to the top. I did not get many suitors but if the king did end up courting me my fate would be sealed.

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