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It felt like I had been sleeping for years rather than a week and a half. I lifted heavy arms to rub my eyes and yawned. I sat up. My hand reached up and touched my cheek, feeling smooth uninjured skin.

"Thanks, Rayi," I murmured and got out of bed. I expected her to just keep me trapped until she devoured me.

[Whatever.] She disappeared from the front of my mind.

Someone knocked on my door before opening and slipping inside. Mikayla sat on my bed and leaned in uncomfortably close. I blinked.

"Did I drool?"

She smiled and sat straight up, "Melly-bean has returned. Do you remember anything?"

I frowned and shook my head. "No. Why?"

She shrugged, though there was a look of unease that flitted across her face. "Just curious. Worry not; Rayi did not do anything too horrible, aside from trying to bait Father."

My heart plummeted. She patted my hand, "You will not suffer for it. Zane did damage control. He reminded Father how important you are to the king."

A look of realization danced across her face and she slapped her fist in her open palm. "Speaking of the king, he has requested you for lunch. The carriage will be arriving very shortly."

I answered dryly, "You make it sound like he's going to eat me for lunch."

She snorted and stood, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "You never know. He has been nagging Father all week to see you. Hopefully, he will not be too eager in his affections."

I groaned, filled with dread. "I will be alone?"

"Yes. Remember to be on your best behavior and do try to stop yourself from shocking him, no matter how irresistible the urge may be." She added and left.

I reluctantly got out of bed, stretching on the tips of my toes with my arms outstretched. I grunted as my bones popped before relaxing, lifting my hand to scratch my head. Figuring I did not have much time, I took a quick bath and washed my hair.

I looked at my dresses, unsure which one would be acceptable to wear. After standing there for too long, I went to Mikayla's room, clad in a towel, and begged her to choose something for me.

"Honestly, if I were not here, you would show up in rags," she bemoaned and sifted through my clothes.

I sat on my bed, avoiding the dresses she tossed. They landed at my feet in a heap.

"Ah, here we are. This should be acceptable." Mikayla reemerged clutching a scarlet gown and black heels.

I took the shoes and dress from her, smiling. "Thank you, Kay."

She hummed in acknowledgment and left my room without another word. Outside, I heard a carriage pull up to our front gate. I shifted the curtain and cursed when I saw the royal insignia, a scythe circling a skull, stamped on the carriage.

"I just got up, I thought lunch would be later!" I groused, hastily pulling the dress up my legs and hips.

[If you did not insist on sleeping past noon you would be ready,] Rayi scolded.

"You are the one who was in control of my body last night," I accused, zipping the back of the dress up, "it is not my fault if you tired it out."

She rolled her eyes. I slipped my shoes on and combed my hair just as Father opened my door, scowling. Seeing me ready, however, seemed to placate his mood, as he regarded me coolly.

The Falling (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now