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Rayi, I summon thee to do my bidding.

The words chanted around me. I had just finished recovering from Father's "training," though my scars ached some. The contract would give me some time to myself, at least.

"Open." The floor left my feet, leaving me in black nothingness for several heartbeats. With a bang, the ground was beneath my bare feet once more. I opened my eyes and inhaled deeply.

The air was sweet and warm. It was summer, I realized happily. My favorite season. I wriggled my toes, feeling the dirt and grass beneath them. I could not stop the grin that covered my mouth. All those months in the darkness and finally I was back in the sun. I could have wept with joy.

A throat cleared itself and I looked at my Summoner, an older man who was leaning on a cane. He stared at me amusedly. Embarrassed, I cleared my throat.

"You summoned me?" I asked. I schooled my features to a neutral mask.

"You are Rayi?" His voice was croaky and I wondered how old he was. He didn't seem much older than fifty.

I nodded. "What is it you want?"

"I am an old man with no family nearby. My son went to another town to seek his fortune but has yet to return for me. I can no longer work and I have no money to my name."

"I cannot make you rich," I cautioned, ready to terminate the contract if that was what he was asking of me.

He scowled lightly at me. "I am not finished; you children are so impatient."

I gave him a flat look. "I am old enough to be your great grandmother fifteen times over."

He had the grace to look surprised before continuing, "There is a large boar that has been tearing up the crops of the town and killing people. A large bounty has been put up; the reward is large enough I can live the rest of my days comfortably."

So much for taking it easy during this contract, I thought grumpily.

"You want me to go kill the boar and bring it to you," I guessed, already wishing I thought to quickly change out of my floor-length frock.


"And what will you give me in return? Nothing is free, you know." I said ominously. Perhaps I would take the human's soul after all.

Instead of looking fearful, the man's ruddy cheeks stretched with his smile. "A traveler spoke of the 'benevolent Rayi' who asked for things that didn't require much sacrifice. I am not afraid of you."

I felt a little put-out and entertained the idea of requiring my Summoner to give me his soul. The humans were beginning to forget themselves. Rayi was less enthused than I was about the title.

[Benevolent Rayi? You have turned us into a laughingstock!] She snarled.

"So, will poppy rolls suffice?"

My mouth watered and I nodded, quickly forgetting my ire. "We have a deal. I will return to this spot with the boar when I have killed it. In return, you will have the payment ready."

His face wrinkled with his mirth. "Very well."

I turned into a raven and took to the sky, flying high above the treetops. I scanned the open plains for any boars, remembering the old man's description of it being the "largest boar I would ever see in my lifetime."

I must have flown for half an hour with no luck until my sharp ears heard the unmistakable squealing of a boar. I dived back into the trees, changing form as I landed on a branch.

The Falling (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now