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"Duchess Melanie, I bring you the enemy who mortally wounded you. King Lin XVI, I gift you with an Archangel. Your Majesties, please accept my gift: the Angel of Life." Lucifer grandstanded.

William's nostrils flared when he saw Lucifer and he tried to lunge. The guard holding the chain connected to his collar yanked hard on it. He choked and landed on his back, coughing.

[Shit!] Rayi swore, though I doubted it was because of their treatment of William.

They forced him upright on his knees. He winced and purple blossomed beneath their fingers.

Lin approached him cautiously, an incredulous look pasted on his face. "Amazing, look at the size of him! They really do not look much different from us, do they? Hair the color of fire, how intriguing!"

I paid no mind to what he was saying, my eyes were stuck on William. My bottom lip trembled and I bit it until I tasted blood to keep from crying. He looked at me and his crimson eyes widened. Lin followed his gaze.

"Why, Melanie, I think he remembers you!" He turned to the angel and kicked him in the stomach. "Yes, she lives, pigeon!"

I forced myself not to move when William grunted. Lucifer was watching my reactions intently and I tried to smooth my features out. "Melanie, you do not seem pleased with my gift."

William ignored Lin's prodding as the king traced his tattoos with curious hands. Lin ran his hands over his wings, feeling the soft feathers before plucking one. His wing twitched.

"So fascinating, they must be ten meters, at least!" He looked at me with wide, childish eyes.

Lucifer stalked over to me, his blood-red eyes peering into mine. I felt like I was collapsing in on myself with each of his steps. He circled me slowly. When he stopped in front of me, his lips did not move, though I heard him speak. "You poor child. Hounded by this Archangel, wounded and ground into the dirt. He attempted to trap you, he left you in the cold."

My head felt like it was filling with fog. I swayed as the devil whispered to me. Rayi felt far away.

"I know your deepest desire, dear girl. The one you have hidden from yourself. You cannot hide it from me. You have longed to taste his blood. Now is your chance." His words crept into my ears. My body grew lax as I shuffled to face William.

"Lin, step away," Lucifer ordered.

Lin's golden eyes gleamed and he listened. William's muscles strained as he tried to free himself again. I tasted his fear and it made my mouth water. Lightning crackled around my hand as I lifted it. It danced down my arm. The Archangel froze.

[Lies. He lies. Lucifer is the father of lies and snakes and you are stronger than this!] Rayi sounded closer again.

No. No, he made me bleed. He hurt me.

William stared at me with frightened eyes and in them, I found a plea. Rayi snarled, [Shake it off, girl! Remember!]

I felt his warm lips against mine, the ghost of a memory. As he held me the night before, he entwined his fingers with mine and whispered, "Never to part."

My arm fell back to my side and the lightning died. William exhaled shakily.

Lin gaped at me. Lucifer smirked. "A shame; just another second and you would have done it. No matter, this was more of a confirmation."

My heart stopped and picked up again at a breakneck pace.

[Oh, god he knows,] Rayi let slip.

"You must think rather low of my abilities to believe you could hide your involvement with the Archangel." He clucked his tongue.

I managed to keep my face from crumpling as Will laughed deliriously. "You think I would have relations with one of your demons? Do not flatter yourself, Lucifer!"

Lucifer turned to him and, with a flick of his wrist, snapped his neck. I pressed my hands against my mouth. William's body slumped forward.

"Hush, the adults are talking," Lucifer chided. He looked at my horrified expression and waved a dismissive hand. "Come now, do not look like that, you know he is still alive. Just stunned for the moment."

Tears ran down my cheeks as I removed my hands from my mouth. Lin was glowering at me so hatefully I was surprised I hadn't combusted on the spot. I wished I would.

"You were the one involved with the Angel of Life?" he asked, flabbergasted. "Even after what he has done to you?"

Lucifer flourished a bored hand at me. "I do not know why you are so shocked, Lin. She has been sneaking off to see him for quite some time now; this is not anything new. Irsya brought the evidence to me, but I needed to see for myself."

At the mention of my sister's Adsecula, I growled. After all, Zane had told me of her involvement. Her amiability had been a ruse to lower my guard and like a fool, I fell for it. Rayi simmered as she approached the front of my mind.

There was a gasp and everyone's attention returned to William as his neck forced itself back into place. He cringed and rolled his neck twice. "Damn, that smarts. Anyway, I would-"

"William," I said shakily, "enough. They have known for ages."

He stared at me with wide eyes as I openly admitted my involvement with him. Then, his eyes softened and he turned back to Lucifer. "Do not blame her for any of this. It was me; I forced her."

I gaped at him. "W-Will, stop! Why are you-"

He ignored me, raising his voice so he could be heard over my protestations, "Do what you want with me, but do not hurt her!"

For several moments it looked like Lin believed him. Lucifer, however, was not so convinced. He glanced at me before he closed in on me. I tried to take a step back, but he grabbed my wrist and held me steadfast as he grabbed my chain. "What is this, hm? I believe I recall seeing you touch it earlier when you asked to have the Angel released."

He pulled the chain out from my dress and stared at it. He looked genuinely incredulous as he said, "Why, Melanie, you naughty girl! On top of fraternizing, you married the Angel of Life?"

Lin gave an enraged cry.

The Falling (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now