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It took us twenty minutes to get him to the kitchen door, Malus yipping fretfully behind us. She had panicked when she saw Zane's limp body and we doubted she would be placated until her master was up and walking later. We leaned him against the side of the house and ordered some of the servants to take Zane to his room.

With that out of the way, Mikayla and I went to our separate bathrooms to wipe the blood, sweat, and dirt off our worn-out bodies. I sat in my tub, resting my head against the rim. I stared up at the golden ceiling, the candles on the counter casting odd shadows. My legs were stretched all the way out and the tips of my toes curled around the rim of the tub. The water was hot, the steam curling my damp strands against the sides of my face and neck.

My thoughts wandered to William. I did not realize how much his company meant to me until I was denied it. My heart ached from how quickly things soured between us, but I kept trying to tell myself it was for the best. Had Lucifer or God found out about us, we would have been killed. William was immortal and the thought of God cutting his life short because of me was almost too much to bear.

I wondered if he was even thinking of me. Probably not, I thought morosely. He was probably glad he no longer have to "babysit" me.

[To think you are even sulking over an Angel,] I could hear the frown in Rayi's voice.

"I am not sulking," I argued.

She did not respond, but I could sense her skepticism. I sighed and sank into the water until my nose was millimeters from being submerged.

My body had long since been clean, but the warm water was calming, reminding me of Will's embrace. Subconsciously, I wrapped my arms around me, though they did not give me the comfort his arms did.

Perhaps ending things had been a mistake.

There was a knock on my door, to which I garbled, "Enter."

Mikayla entered, in a simple red gown with a towel still in her hair. She rose a thin eyebrow at me as she knelt by the tub.

"You look like one of those funny creatures in the Human World. What are they called again? Ah...a frog. You resemble a frog"

I ignored the gibe and lifted my head from the sweet smelling water.

"What do you want?" I grouched, resting my head against the tub again.

She stood and faced my vanity mirror, pulling the towel out of her hair. Plucking her silver-toothed comb from her waistband she began to brush her long hair out, humming as she did so.

I had always been envious of her hair, specifically its length. It neared her hips and was straight and thick. Mine, while thick, was wavier and liked to stick up at all ends. Since I cut it the first time after Mama's execution I did not have the heart to wear it long. I was content to admire Mikayla's.

"We will be leaving for the King's birthday in a couple hours. I hope you will be done soaking by then?"

I asked, "Do you think Father expects one of us to marry Lin?"

She faltered in her brush stroke for a heartbeat before resuming, her face carefully blank. "I would imagine so. Why else would he have us go buy new dresses?"

"He is the Adviser...I do not wish to marry him."

"Who says you have to? You could refuse." She winced when her comb got snagged in a knot. "And what makes you so certain he will pick you? You are not exactly 'queen material', you know?"

I shot her a dirty look. "What is 'queen material?'"

Mikayla untangled her comb and carefully worked the knot out. "Elegant, cordial, wears shoes. That sort of stuff."

The Falling (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now