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Amnon and I entered my house, where a servant waited for us. He took the umbrella from my new guard and told me Father requested my appearance in his office as soon as possible. I thanked him with a nod and walked down the dimly lit hallway to the door at the end with Amnon trailing behind me. I knocked and waited until I heard his gruff voice say, "Enter."

I glanced up at Amnon in unease. He rested his back against the wall, his mighty arms folded over his barreled chest. I did not think he was even looking at me until he gave an almost imperceptible nod of his head. Though only having known him for a few hours I was comforted by his silent promise of remaining where he was.

I stepped into Father's office. He was perched on his desk, his fingers tapping against the wood. His hair spilled over his shoulders. I leaned against the door until he impatiently beckoned me closer.

"Sit," he ordered, his eyes hard. He moved to the back of his desk.

I sank into the leather seat, my back stiff. I kept my face as impassive as I could.

"Show me the ring."

I blinked as his command registered then fumbled in my pocket for the black box.

He snorted, "You did not put it on when he gave it to you? I hope His Majesty was not offended."

"If he was he said nothing," I mumbled, opening the box and handing the ring to him.

Father examined it in the light, nodding his head in approval. "This is not a cheap piece of jewelry."

He handed it back to me and I reluctantly slipped it onto my ring finger. It fit perfectly, much to my displeasure. Father folded his hands under his chin.

"The King and I will discuss the plans for the wedding for the next two weeks. Your engagement will be announced at the end of the week and you will move into the palace tomorrow night. You will learn the duties of being a queen as well as polish your etiquette skills. It has already been agreed Mikayla will be your Maid of Honor."

Just hearing about my inevitable marriage made tears well up in my eyes again. I blinked rapidly only to have a couple slip past my eyelids. Father stared at me blankly.

"You are unhappy with your engagement?" he asked.

"N-no," I answered shakily, rubbing at my eyes, "forgive me, Father."

"Would you rather you marry your brother? You and Zane have always been close."

I glowered at him. "I would not. Excuse me."

I stood and stalked out of his office, slamming the door shut. When I was back in my room, I stripped out of the dress and into a comfier one. I kicked my shoes off and slumped against my bed, gripping my hair in my hands. My door squeaked open and I felt someone's eyes on me. The menacing aura coming from the person matched Amnon's. I paid him no mind. He closed my door and I assumed he came to see if I had gone to my room. He did not leave; I could hear his heartbeat outside the door.

"I do not want to marry him," I whispered and rocked myself.

The Falling (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now