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William stood out in the open the next time I returned. I froze and retreated some until I felt the heavy air of Hell tickling my neck. He held two bowls in his hand and would not meet my eye.

"Peace, Demon. I will not harm you." He said and tilted one of the bowls so I could see its contents.

It was filled with brightly colored food I had never seen before.

[That is impossible,] Rayi whispered and I sensed her alarm.

Immediately, I tensed. "What is it?"

"Ambrosia," he replied, not realizing my question was not directed to him.

[ of the angels. It is a trap. We should leave.] She sounded ill at ease.

Such a small taste of the Human World and she wanted me to leave? I pursed my lips when she ignored my inquiry as to how she knew it was ambrosia. I took a careful step closer. William did not move and hunched his shoulders more, trying to achieve the impossible of appearing non-threatening. "Changing tactics, are we?"

His eyes narrowed before he grew impassive again. "No. I simply thought if you were going to continue to come to the Human World I would chaperone. This is a gesture of my pure intentions."

[Lies,] she growled. I was inclined to agree, but I was also curious.

"I have not needed a chaperone in the past, Archangel. Up until a fortnight, you tempted me with rolls so I would get close enough to you to kill me. You will have to forgive my suspicions." Still, I inched closer, sniffing.

The ambrosia did not look appetizing, but its aroma was pleasing nonetheless. My mouth watered. William held the bowl farther out. "You are...not like other demons I have seen in the past. You are inquisitive and you have not sought out humans to harm. I have seen you avoid them."

[He has been tracking you even when you take a different portal. I told you someone was watching us!] Though Rayi advised against it, I walked over until I was a few feet from him. I eyed his waist and did not see his sword. Sensing where my gaze laid, he sighed. "I did not bring my sword so you would feel more at ease."

"The sword is more of an accessory for you. I am far more concerned about your fire."

"And I am concerned you may electrocute me." He smiled wryly. My lips twitched.

[This has to be a trap. He may not be willing to kill you, but who is to say Death is not lurking nearby?] Rayi's words sharpened my suspicions.

Lightning crackled around my fists, conjured quicker than I had been capable of in the past. The air grew heavy with static. William eyed me warily. I snarled, "You must think me a fool, Archangel. You have been incapable of capturing me yourself and in the past, you could not kill me. Perhaps you enlisted Death's help to finish the job for you?"

He thought on this and slowly, knelt to place one of the bowls between us. He retreated until he slumped against a tree and tucked into the ambrosia. With a mouth full of food, he answered, "If my brother was here, you would be dead. He does not know I am here offering you food and friendship. You are many things, Demon, but I know you are not stupid."

I raised an eyebrow. He had a point. Talking to him was distracting enough and would have given Death enough time to kill me. I snatched the bowl up and waited. William was watching me, but he was still eating. I clambered up into my tree and positioned myself so I could keep an eye on him.

[If you are going to be this stupid about it, be cautious. There has been no instance of a demon eating food meant for angels. I do not know if it is not poisonous to you.]

The Falling (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now