The Ball

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As we boarded the carriage, the horses pawed the ground impatiently, snorting and whinnying. I sat beside Father while Mikayla and Zane sat across from us. I sagged into the black, soft, velvet seat and looked out the window when the carriage began to move. Father elbowed me in the ribs sharply, forcing me to sit up.

"Stop slouching," he chastised without sparing me a glance.

[Yes, practice your posture. You just might become queen by the end of the night.] Rayi chirped, sounding like she was preening. I imagined her smoothing her hair and puckering her lips at her reflection.

I sincerely hope not, I thought as I forced down a grimace. I was reluctant to I resign myself to marrying Zane instead, but he was a far better option than Lin. I never considered Will as a possible option. Marriage between us could not work if we were unable to fully trust one another. Yet the idea of him being with anyone else hurt, though I doubt he would ever pursue someone. He had told me once before while he had never courted anyone, some angels had flirted. They had been relentless and he lashed out at them. The display of his power and temper stopped any other potential suitors from even considering him, but at the price of rumors circulating he was abusive. He was respected as an Archangel but they also feared him.

There were hundreds of carriages riding beside us and behind us as we got nearer to the heart of the sprawling city of the Thirteenth Legion, where Lin's castle was located. I could tell who was just a noble and who was an Optima. The nobles' carriages were navy blue in color, while the Optimas' were purple. The Optimas' carriages also had the coat of arms of their male precursor. Ours had two crossed trumpets behind a unicorn's head.

The castle loomed into sight, its black towers looking ominous beneath the red sky. All the windows were illuminated and as we passed over the large stone bridge, I could see the large banner:

Et in honorem illius altitudinem, Rex Lin XVI.

Our carriage stopped in front of the large open doors to the castle and as a last note, Father hissed, "Remember your orders: Zane first, then Melanie and you, Mikayla."

The driver of our carriage opened the door and Father got out with the rest of us following him. I nodded in thanks to Zane when he took my hand and helped me out of the carriage. We followed Father up the marble steps and into the castle.

The floors of the castle were shining and the large crystal chandelier sparkled from the candlelight. There was a grand staircase leading to the second floor of the castle. Royal guards were positioned at its foot to discourage any wanderers. Some guests mingled in the foyer, but most of the crowd headed to the ballroom.

We entered the mouth of the ballroom where the herald was standing tall. He was an older demon, with gray at his temples and four eyes, an unusual trait for a noble to possess. When we got to him, Father whispered his title.

"Royal Adviser Lord Tavor Amdusias of the Thirteenth Legion," he announced in a voice that reminded me of rolling thunder.

Father strutted down the stairs as the guests clapped and bowed their heads at him.

"Duke Zane Amdusias of the Thirteenth Legion, heir to the Amdusias family line." Zane went down the stairs, smirking flirtatiously at a group of demonesses, who giggled.

Mikayla and I hooked arms and I murmured our introduction to the herald. He had to stoop to hear me, to my sister's amusement.

He straightened and proclaimed, "Duchesses Melanie and Mikayla Amdusias of the Thirteenth Legion."

We stepped carefully down the stairs and I shot Mikayla a dirty look when she whispered, "Try not to trip."

We unhooked our arms and placed one hand each in one of Zane's as he helped us down the last step. Father was nowhere to be seen and I assumed he joined the king's side.

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