Chapter 3

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Bella P.O.V

I wake up with the sun shinning at it's highest point in the sky. The curtains are fully open, and the window is open, letting the cool air of a Saturday morning in. I look around the room for any sign of Edward, but he's not here. Not even a note. Nothing. I sit up on the bed, covering myself with the sheet.

I lay against the headboard, looking off into space when the door opens and Edward walks in carrying a tray in his hands.

"Morning," he says with a smile. He's not wearing anything but his sweats. He walks up to me, placing the tray filled with food on the bed and takes a seat next to me. "How did you sleep?" He asks.

I shrug. "I had a good night sleep. What about you?"

He smiles, caressing my cheek. "Slept like a baby. Here." He pulls the tray closer to me. "I thought you might've been hungry since you didn't eat dinner last night."

I nod, taking the toast he brought on to my lap. He watches me eat, his fingers tracing down my cheeks. We don't say much, it's just a very quiet morning with Edward. Once I finish, I grab some clothes he laid out for me and walk to the bath.


"Yes?" I look at him with the door half closed. He's standing next to the bed, his arms folded over his chest.

"You're very quiet this morning," he points out. "Is everything okay?"

I nod. "Yes, why wouldn't it be?" I close the door behind me and lay against it. I have no idea what's wrong with me but I'm not looking forward for a fight for an attitude I have no idea why I have it.

After the shower I walk out of the room where Edward is now sitting on the bed, looking at his hands.

"Everything okay?" I ask him. He nods. I sigh, sitting next to him. "Why don't you want your father's company?"

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "I already told you why."

I shrug. "I know, I just think there might be some other reason why you would decline your father's offer."

"Why would there be another reason?"

"I don't know, Edward, it's just a thought." I stand up, looking for a brush. Suddenly his arms wrap around me and he kisses my neck.

"I don't want you worrying about anything, okay?" He whispers in my ear. "Not a thing is going to happen to you while I'm here and you shouldn't worry why I didn't accept that company."

I nod. "Okay."

He smiles, pulling away. "Hurry, we got somewhere to go."

I frown. "And where is that?"

"It's a surprise," he says before heading to the kitchen.

"I think I reach my quote on your surprises!" I yell at his back.

"You'll hopefully like this one!" He says, closing the door behind him.

I roll my eyes, brushing my hair. I stare at my reflection as I brush my hair. My eyes look bigger for my disappointment, my hair has gotten longer but it does need a trim. I do look skinnier due to the small amount of food my body has gotten these past weeks.

I do want to know why didn't Edward want the company, I know he says he's doing it for me so I wouldn't go through what his mom did when Carlisle did all the traveling but there has to be something else, something he's not telling me. My subconscious tells me I'm just looking for problems where there are not any. I suck up my thoughts and continue my day.

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