Chapter 23

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Bella P.O.V

I stare ahead as Dr. Johnson opened my eyelids wider and flashed a flashlight right to left and repeating the same process on the left eye. Once he was done, he placed his equipment down and looked at me.

"You should be good, nothing that we should worry about," he said with an angry tone. "Try not to move your wrist much, let it heal and for those scratches use the lotion I prescribed, okay?"

"How's Ava?" I asked, gripping the edges of the bed tighter.

He sighed. "Ava is fine. He did not harm her in any way. She's with her parents right now." He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at me. "Bella, since when do I know you?" He asked with a stern tone.

"Since I was very young," I look down at my feet. Of course he's pissed. Everyone in my family and even people who are not my family - Mark, Carlisle and Esme - are pissed at me for what happened.

"Exactly. I haven't seen you in six years. Six years, Bella, and when I do you're here because you were almost killed by a serial killer." He sighed and rubbed his jaw. "I knew it. I knew that letting Emmett take custody of you was a bad idea."

I frown. "Emmett has nothing to do with this, Uncle Chris. Not him or Jasper. It was not their fault I was stalked."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Did I say it was their fault? No, Isabella Swan, I didn't. I mean it for you. You're just a child."

"I am not a child!"

"Well, you sure as shit act like it," he snapped back. "You have to think, Isabella. Think. Did you consider that perhaps going after him would cost you your own life? Or Ava's? What about your family? I haven't seen you for six years and now that I do this is happening and to top it off you're involved with a man six years older than you. We all made your parents to promise to their grave. Jasper, Emmett and me that we would make sure that their little girl would be safe but you're making it hard."

"I was trying to get Ava back to her mother," I protest. "Why am I getting a sermon, Uncle Chris. I saved her and she's safe."

He ran his hands through his hair. "You just don't get it, Bella. It almost cost you your life because you told no one where you were. You left and no one had any idea of where you went."

"I was willing to risk my life for Ava."

"He could have killed you if it wasn't for Edward stepping in on time!"

"Even if Edward hadn't been there, I was still willing to die for Ava."

"And then you die," he sighed. "So what would happen after you die, Bella? Who would've taken Ava back or who would have known what happened to you because you chose to be there hero of the story but, Bella, there's no such thing as hero's. What you did was stupid and we almost lost two of the most important members of our family. Trust me, the pain would have been greater."

I wipe a tear away and look down at my feet. I know what I did was stupid. I just wanted Ava back with her family, with Rosalie so she wouldn't be so sad and blame me for what happened. I wanted to prove everyone wrong, that I wasn't unstable to deal with the problem but instead what I did was prove them right. I can't look after myself.

Uncle Chris has always been there for us after our parents died. He is my mother's brother. They were the ones who took us in and raised us until Emmett took over. I remember uncle Chris telling Emmett to leave me behind because I was just a child and it was too much responsibility for both Jasper and Emmett but Emmett didn't want that. He wanted us to be together. This just proves my uncle. I am just a child.

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