Chapter 20

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Bella P.O.V

I walk in the quiet lobby where the receptionist reads a book, her feet on the desk, ignoring the fact that she was wearing a skirt. I walk up to her and clear my throat. She looks up at me and sits up, pushing the obvious fake glasses up her nose and smiles at me a very fake smile.

"How may I help you?" She asked.

"I'm here to see Mime Newton as a matter of emergency," I said. "It won't take long. Five minutes, maximum."

She nodded before looking at her computer, she typed up some things. She shook her head, biting her lower lip and looked back at me.

"I'm sorry but he's not in the system anymore," she said.

I frown. "What does that mean he's not in the system? I came to see him two days ago. How can he not be in the system?" I asked, raising my voice at her. How can Mike not be in the system under two days?

"He's not in the system," she repeated with a careless shrug.

"What does that mean?!"

"What's going on here?" Another woman walked in the room. "How can I help you, Ma'am?" She asked me.

"I'm here to see Mike Newton but this young lady here says he's out of the system which I have no idea what it means."

"Are you his family?" The second woman asked.

"Yes," I lied. "His step sister, the only family he has left."

She nodded. "Great, we found one. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, we just can't give out information about certain prisoner. I'm sorry to inform you that your step brother was found dead in his cell."

"Dead!" I cry out.

Mike dead? How can that be? I saw him two days ago, he was perfectly well... I've doomed him. He said so himself. He was as good as dead when I came here for his help against James. Just like Mrs. Gonzalez, he got rid of him as simple as that. It's all happening all over again.

"Yes," the woman said, taking me out of my thoughts. "He hung himself with his own sheets. He wasn't found until yesterday morning. We were told he had no family."

"Distant family," I whispered. "He's dead." And if I don't act soon, Ava will be too.

I walk out of the lobby, ignoring the woman calling after me. I get in the car and pull off down the street in direction of where the house Edward bought is. Once I get there, I run inside without bothering to turn off the car.

Edward has a second gun, I've seen it before because he's had two different kinds in the time I've been with him. Where could he have hide it? Were would I put a gun at?

The office. I walk in the office Edward used once in a while and always locked the door before he left the room. My first instinct is to check the drawers, see if one of them could have it. They're all empty, expect for the locked one. I get my hair clip from my hair and straighten it. When I was younger, Emmett taught me how to pick a lock with a simple hair clip. I'm glad I can finally use that for something that matters.

The lock click and the drawer slides open. Right there lays the gun Edward had when Jessica was killed. I take it, putting it behind under my jacket and jeans before fetching my passport. I must be in Chicago tonight and find that son of a bitch before he harms Ava.

I drove to the airport in silence. My mind was filled with thoughts about Ava and James, sometimes Edward and how pissed he's going to be once he realizes that I've left the city with his gun. I fear There's a bigger storm to come.

ObsessedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora