chapter 2- First Day!

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So here I am standing at the entrance of my high school.I can see the people busy with their own life *PHEW* I started making my way to the entrance,what comes in my way was a HOT looking black coloured HUMMER.I can't take my eyes off that wonderful car.

I was looking at it for like 3 minutes until the noise of horn interupted. I shook my head and started walking to the entrance,I can see that the people are staring at me. Few minutes ago they were all buzy in their own world and now my stupid act with that stupid-gorgeous car and that stupid annoying noise attracted them towards me.


I looked away and started walking to the hallway. I saw the groups of girls looking at me and giggling as I was some kind of a joke.ANNOYING PEOPLE!!!!! 

I keep walking THERE WAS IT.........The FAKE-STUNNIG-PLASTIC looking girls.They were dressed up like they were up for some fashion week.They were not staring at me but they were GLARING at me. 

SERIOUSLY?? WHAT HAVE I DONE BITCHES!!! I felt like yelling..

I gave them mind-your-own-work look and turned my back towards them and started walking to the other direction.


15 minutes passed by and still I'm searching for my class and the worst part is I can't find my it and at the top of that people are giving me the stupid stares, checking me out, some are even glaring, passing comments ANDD...some jerks are winking at me tooo!!! GREEAT!! I gave them stay-away look and moved from there.

Finally I thought of taking some courage and approaching someone decent for help.

"Hey, new girl" It was a voice of a guy and the voice was very sweet and decent."Thankyou godd!! finally you've sent an angel for the help, thanks for shining your lights of guidance on me." I murmered. I turned my back to see who it was,to my shock and horror it was a scary looking guy or more like a male version of NICKI MINAJ. Haha my sarcasm rocks sometime! :D 

"Yes" I replied and started walking."Do you need some help?" he asked sweetly.I shooked my head first but suddenly i remembered the popular saying NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY IT's COVER! and I thought of asking him for help.

"Umm, yes uh, do you know where the psychology..."he cut me off and ordered me to follow him.Rude,much? I thought.

He told me to follow him and I was doing as he told me to do."Okay so,here we are." he said pointing at the corner of the hallway near the staircase,there was this mysterious looking room.STRANGE!!I thought.

As I opened the door I was left in shock and disgust. It was a room filled with boys. It was not the boys washroom but something else I don't know. I saw  some guys in their boxers, some were naked,they were smoking And the worst thing a gay couple were making out ***GROSS***

I stormed out of that place as fast as I could. My face turned red as tomato.People around the hallway was laughing at the scene,some were even taking my pictures in their cellphones. I feel humiliated.I feel like killing that mothertrucker-scary-faggot!!


I Hope you'll will like my story.And THANKS FOR READING :D Please vote :)

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