chapter 7- Chit-chat!

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"I'l drop you?"Emilie offered.

"No"I said popping out the 'P'.

"What's up with you now?"she asked sounding a bit irritated.

"I've got a detention,Remember?"I snapped.

"Ohh yeaah! Poor you."she pouted.

"Whatever"I said narrowing my eyes.

"Haha! Byee see you Sar."she waved me off in a teasing manner,to which I just waved back.

A smile instantly came to my lips as I thought how much me and Emilie were alike.

We both like the same genre of Music,POP.Rock music is not something we like.Rihanna & Bruno Mars is our favourites.And she too hated the 'Crappy' Twilight series and would prefer 'The Vampire Diaries Series' over it.She is a real good company.I'm lucky to be friends with her.


Walking through the hallway,I noticed people staring at me.When I was with Emi people didn't borthered me.Or they did.Who am I kidding,I was just soo engrossed talking to her that I didn't noticed their stares.Well now that I'm alone I can see that they probably don't like me. Well who will? I insulted their God farther LUCAS afterall.I think I should  get used to it.

I made my way to Detention room and still people were looking at me like I am some kind of an Alien.Urggh! Don't they have anything else to do?Ignoring those retards, I finally reached the detention room. As I entered I could see around 20 students there.Wow! Detention is common here.I made my way to the seat which was somewhere in the middle.I sat there with people still staring at me like I've killed someone.The substitutor of the detention has not yet come.

So to avoid the awkwardness I decided to improve my Drawing skills and by drawing skills I mean scribbling.When will this stupid detention will get over.I thought.Its irritating.Finally I stopped scribbling.I can't scribble more.I don't know why but I  have this stupid urge to look up.I finally put my head up and what did I see.Lucas entering in the class with some of his friends.His bag was hung around his shoulder and one hand was in his pocket while with other hand he was messing his Oh-So-Silky-HAIR.Whenever I see him,I can't help but stare.There's something about his eyes that make me gaze at it whenever I see them.THOSE EYES.THE WAY HE BRUSHES HIS HAIR AWAY,any sane girl would stare.

STOP STARING SARAH!!STOP STARING!!! STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT.I heard my subconcious voice murmuring in my head.

He looked at my way and caught me staring AGAIN!He smirked.He is coming to my way.Closer & closer.I'm sitting on my bench popping my eyes out dumbfoundedly.He came closer.Placing his face beside my ear,sending me shivers.He whispered "Take a picture it lasts longer." and  my mouth was dropped open to what he said .My face turned red as tomato.He chuckled and took a backseat.


Who do he think he is?And what is he upto?Why on the earth he have to sit behind me?There are so many seats vacant.I thought.Teacher has already come.She is busy with her paper work.Good things she is busy.Im siting here waiting for the detention to get over,suddenly I felt someone's finger on my neck.Who else it could be.Its him.Since 15 minutes he had been tickling me,sending me shivers.

What is he really upto?I thought


5 minutes passed by and i can't feel any finger on my back.Finally he is bored of sending me shivers.I can breathe now.All of a sudden I saw a small paper on my desk.I opened it see what it was.And one more annoyin thing from the Jerk 'a chit'


Dreaming about meh?xx

I can imagine him smirking from behind.


Yeah.Whatever keeps you alive.


Ouch!You hurted me there :(

That brought a smile on my face.I chuckled.


If you don't stop this I'll hurt you more.


Babes you can't do that xD


Why I can't?


Cause you like me :D



HUH!?What makes you think like that?


Cause you were staring at me a while ago :D

And I couldn't help the blush coming across my face.


 Stop blushing :D

H-h-howw do he come to know that I'm blushing.Well he knows what effects he have on girls and he is trying the same with me.


I'm not blushing.And besides you can't even see my face,SMARTASS!


But you were staring at me :D

Where is he taking this to.Well i've got to change the topic.But the question is How?


I wasn't staring.I was just wondering how on the earth a person can look soo soo 'EWW'

I Threw the paper at him.

"Detention is over you all may go"Teacher said.Without taking a glance at him I ran from there.

I don't know what was going into my head while writing that.And I don't even know what am I putting myself into.

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