Chapter 10- Friday night party??

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Sarah's P.O.V

"What's up." I heard someone talking to me.

I was standing at the entrance of the gate, waiting for Emi.She said she'll be here in 5 mins and 10 mins passed by,she didn't show up yet.I turned my neck to the way from where i heard the voice.I saw a blonde guy.He was lean yet handsome.His hair were wet and shabby.

"Do i know you?" I asked narrowing my  eyes.

"Im Chris." he said."Im your clasmate."he continued.

"Oh..Im Sarah." I said in a low tone.

Im really tired.It was a sleepless night yesterday.I was thinking about Lucas up all nigth.I don't know why but the yesterday's detention was flashing through my mind. 

Im getting this  vibe about something bad is going to happen today.I think I should keep a safe distance today from Lucas.

"You look tired." he said politely.

"Yes Im tired,What's up with you?What do you want?" I asked rudely.

Well yes,Im rude when Im tired.I hate it when people don't say things clearly.

He was looking outside the gate.He looked at me in bewilderment.

"I gotto go.Talk to you later."he said and with this he hurried off.

'Huh'What's up with him.Jerk.I thought.I was frowning.

"Hey,Sar."I heard Emi calling me.

"Hey, what are you doing this early ?" I said sarcastically.

"Im sorry,Traffic you see."she said popping out the 'P'.

"Whatever."I said.

"What was Chris doing with you?" she asked suspiciously.

"I dont know,he is weird." I said narrowing my eyes.

Emi was quiet, biting her lower lips.Gazing at the floor,Playing with her nails.

"Do you like him?" I asked out of nowhere.

"No in the fuck way."she snapped.

"Then?" I questioned.

"Its just that,he always acts like this when I'm around.He is afraid of me.I mean see, He was talking to you and when he saw me coming he just left."she said matter-of-factly.

"Stop being so modest Emi."I said."There has to be some reason and it can also be a coincidence."I continued.

"Yeah whatever.I don't give a piss about it."she chirped.


"I forgot to mention,Theres a party at friday night and you are coming with me." declared Emi.

We were sitting at the cafeteria,Having our lunch.

"Party?Of?" I asked taking a sip of my coke.

"It's a party at Brant Smith's mansion."she informed.

"Who is he?And today is what day?"I inquired.

"He is Lucas's best friend." she said narrowing her eyes."And today is thursday."she continued.

Brant is Lucas's best friend,that means lucas will be there too.I thought.And today is thursday,that means party is tomorrow.

"The Party is planned up for tomorrow and now is the time you are informing me?"I scoffed "And besides Im not invited." I continued.

I don't want to go to the party.I want to ignore lucas.But I even want to have fun.

"You are invited."she snapped.

"Im not." I crossed my arms across the chest.

"I'm invited and that means I can take a partner with me."she said,taking a bite of her burger.

"You have to take your date smartass." I said sarcastically.

"You are my date smartass."she said with a smirk,placing her hands onto mine.

"Emi, what are doing?"I snapped.

"Hahhaha"she laughed."Don't freak out Sar,I'm straight."she said amusingly.

"Whatever."I murmured.

"You're coming okay."she ordered.

"Lets see."I said with a smirk.

"Grrr.. I hate diplomatic replies"she said with a straight face.

"You have to deal with it then." I said winking at her and she smirked.

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