chapter 4- Detention!

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I came across a staircase,I dropped my bag to the side and sat there with my head in my hands. I heard some steps coming towards me. I turned back to see a pretty looking woman.She wore a knee length skirt,a formal knee length skirt and elegant, simultaneously.The outfit fitted her perfectly enhancing her perfect curves and features. She was sweetly smiling at me.

I was left with a confused expression until she asked me, 'What's wrong sweety? Do you need some help? ' She was very polite. I guess she's one of the teachers.

'I'm new and I can't find my class' I said in a low voice.

'You could have asked someone' she said.

Oh yeah! I should ask for help.Thanks for informing me smartass.I thought sarcastically.

"Uh, I asked for help already, but people here are so nice and amazing,they always endup taking me to a random place instead of the classroom"I snapped sarcastically.

"Oh" she exclaimed politely. I think I should take control over my big mouth.

"Sorrry" I said apologetically."No,it's okay, C'mere I'll show you the class"she said.

"Who are you"I asked."I'm the music teacher,Barbara Deas.She said.

MUSIC.INTERESTING.I love music and Singing too.I don't sing so well but I'm definately gonna take the lectures of music.I thought."Thank you soo much Miss Deas".I thanked her when I reached the class.

I was standing in front of my class,unaware of the fact how late I was.It was Literature's class going on and I WAS LATE.

Yeah,after so much of adventures finally I was here in my class BUT I WAS LATE.

Without wasting anymore time,I started making my way to the class as I stepped forward,I saw a guy looking at me and chuckling."Look the new-video-girl"he commented loudly so that everyone could notice me.VIDEO GIRL?Oh people took my video  earlier, because of that ugly male nicki minaj, how could I not remember that!

I saw my classmates staring at me and giggling too.I turned my eyes towards the professor.He was glaring at me.He was an old man,something around maybe 52.The teacher looked really pale.He wore a boring grey suit which was actually a bit loose for him. LOL.What can you expect from a Teacher? To dress like JUSTIN BIEBER?

"Why are you so late"he yelled and got me back from my thought.

Why was I late.Now I have to tell him the whole thing.Okay, so from where to start.

"Um,uh,I uhh, I'm neww uh.."he cut me off without even letting me to complete.Rude Much?

"I don't wanna listen to your false stories"he said.

"But listen I,uh" "Detention to you!"he snapped and left the class.

Huh? But sirr..' He cut me off again. How rude!

'If you argue anymore then double detention' He warned me.

DETENTION like on the first day of a new high school. 

I know I'm not a goody two shoes but I've never got detention before.

High School couldn't suck anymore. 

Well done Sarah. Way to go.


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