Chapter 20- Slapped Me out of Revenge?

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Lucas's P.O.V

I'm standing in the room, startled about what just happend.She slapped me.Why did she do that?We were about to kiss and she slapped me out of nowhere.Nobody had ever slapped me.

'Sometimes you should try something new.' Said my subconscience.

'Like what?' I asked

'You've always felt a girl's lips on your cheeks but this time it was the palm, how do you feel?' teased my conscience.

'Shutup, You dickless Moron.' I snapped

'You're accusing yourself.' he said matter-of-factly.

'Fuck-off.' I snapped and started making my way to the door.Suddenly,the red light grabbed my attention.It was coming from the laptop.Then and there I remembered  about the bet I had with Brant.All in this while I forgot about the bet.

FUCKING MOTHER OF GOODNESS!!How could I be so stupid to forget about the bet?Everybody must've seen this.Lucas Hanglington got slapped by A GIRL.

My reputation is been ruined.My charm is diminishing.I've gotta do something about this.But first I have to know that why did she slapped me.


As I walked outside the room, I saw Whitney standing outside , waiting for me.

"So, what's going hun?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"What?" I questioned.

"Don't fool me Lucas,I know you wanna get into that slut's pants.But,let me inform you,Don't ever think of cheating on me or else you know the consequences." she intimidated me.

I'm not dating Whitney out of Love or anything.

Whitney's farther is the tycoon, with his help I can get selected for Football's State championship.This is the reason I'm dating her and besides she gives me a good sex and she is the Head cheerleader, suits my Image.She is dating me because.....c'mon I'm Lucas, who wouldn't? I thought with a smirk.

"What you thinking?" she snapped me out my thought.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me."Babe, what should I do to make it up to you?"I asked, looking straight into her eyes.She clung to my arms excitedly.

"Oh Lucas, What Are you doing  tomorrow night?" she asked naughtily.

"Nothing much."I replied.

"Great,You are invited for the dinner and don't forget to get my favorite flavor." she said with a wink and I smirked.


Everyone is  staring at me and murmuring in ears and I'm here throwing daggers at them.I made my way to where Brant was.He was engaged in a Hanky-Panky with some random chick.

"Dude."I called him.

"What?Can't you see I'm busy."he snapped.

"Need to talk.It's urgent." I yelled.

"What happen?"he asked like he don't know anything.

"You know what happened."I said solemnly.

"Ha ha , Yeah hahahhaha."he laughed."Show me your cheeks, haha that was hard."he teased.

"Asshole stop laughing,Im pissed already."I snapped.

"Okay."he said holding his laugh.

"Where is Sarah?" I asked.

"I don't know, I guess she went home." He replied.

"Lukkkkyyy-Pukyyyy."I heard Emilie.I'm in  no mood of getting in an argument right now.

"Ouuuuuu baby got slapped?"she teased.

"Where is your friend?"Brant asked her.

"Shittt.Dude, have you seen her anywhere?I was talking to her and she ran, after that I didn't get to see her."she informed.

"What?She is your friend and you don't know where is she? God Emilie,how irresponsible of you?" I snapped.

"Shut up douchebag,It's you because of whom all this is happening in the first place."she said hastily.

"Stop it both of you."brant interrupted."She's home."he continued.

"WHAAT??HOWW??HOWW DO YOU KNOW??Emilie and I asked together. 

"Chris, he texted me.He gave her the ride to home."brant notified.

Chris,I hate him so much.Why is Sarah so much involved with him.I thought.

"Okay, that's good but I was suppose to drive her home."Emilie said with a pout.

"Whatever."I growled and walked away from there.

"I'm coming with you, wait."Emilie said.

"Why?You have your car."I said raising an eyebrow.

"Petrol over." she said with a smirk.I know she just wanna irritate me.

"Fine." I agreed as I'm in no mood to argue.


"So, what did you do today?" Emilie asked.

I know she's trying to rub salts on the wound.

"None of your interest."I replied calmly.

"Aaaah, Brother you can share anything and everything with me."she said resting her hand on my arms.

"Emilie, will you please shut your garrage off its stinking in here."I snapped. 

"But dude,You actually thought that Sarah was gonna kiss you?" she asked.

"Why not?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"She knew about your 'Plan'."she said.

"Whaatt?"I snappped. 

"Yes and she slapped you to take revenge." she informed

"Revenge???Of??" I asked. I was amazed.

"Ahhh, nevermind." She smirked.

So this was all planned.She slapped me out of Revenge.But why?She thinks that she can play games with me.Well Miss Sarah Martin,Im Lucas, the coach of this game.You will pay for what you've done.Im going to make you pay and that to with some interest.


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